
sue_nami's Avatar
How do you prefer to be turned down when calling for an appointment? we all have personal crisis's that pop up. about 2 weeks ago my dog died and I was devastated. I took the day off to recover. I told a few regulars who called the truth as to why I was not working that day. Do you guys prefer to just hear the standard line, that is often not true, I'm booked? How much truth is too much? Do u want to know if I am slacking off due to sxsw or my dog died or do u want to be told sorry I'm busy and leave it at that?
All you can do is tell the truth ! Just don't have your dog die again the next time . We're naturally going to assume you got a better gig !
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I would want to be told the truth so that's what I do...I HATE bs made up excuses... just because I'm a call girl doesn't mean I am stupid I have a good sense when I am being lied to.

A few months when I was going thru treatment I had a few complications that caused me to be in and out of the er at least once/twice a week during that time a client who had taken part in my prepaid monthly special had the perfect timing of texting for an appt only when I was in er...the first 2 times I was like I hope he believes me but by the 6th 7th 8th time all I could do was laugh at the bad timing but hell even then I was able to respond so when I hear "I couldn't find a second to text" makes me want to flick them in the forehead...
Tan Khan's Avatar
Personally, I don't need to know the reason. I will most likely assume that is made up anyways.
As long as you let me know you are not available at the requested day, and tell me when you expect to be available I'm fine.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Tell the truth. Some of us guys are thoughtful and may be able to help cheer you up in that situation or give you a shoulder to cry on...
AcesHigh's Avatar
I never worry about being turned down for an appointment (which I think is different than having a cancellation). Come to think of it, unless I have really expended some time I don't worry much about cancellations, either, so long as a polite amount of notice is given. I don't look for mechanical experiences which means that there are times where a woman simply isn't in the mood, even if she was when the appointment was scheduled. If that is the case, I'd rather know in advance than have a poor experience or have a woman feeling like she "has" to have the appointment.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-18-2013, 03:53 PM
As l
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Never been turned down for an appointment (but for a drink or get together, yes, once or twice) that I can remember and haven't had a cancellation, but if you are going to tell me anything, tell me the truth. If you have offer a proposal to reschedule (PM/call/e-mail me next week/weekend or whatever or I'll call you Tuesday) and follow through that goes a long way towards making any inconvenience null and void. After all if you are like most other small businesses you would want the work/income but would just need to reschedule. Even, "sorry hun, just am not feeling it now so can we try next weekend?" would be fine. From my end there are plenty of fish in the eccie as long as a lot of time and effort hasn't been expended plus I've always got an SB or two.

If it is a turndown never to be rescheduled it is still a small sign of respect to tell the truth, although you might want to do it in a diplomatic way (such as "read a review and don't want to risk hygiene issues" or "saw your unpleasant posts about so and so and would prefer not to see you").
El Cid's Avatar
It's usually better to say the truth, if only to avoid having to keep track of what stories you told and who did you tell them to. If the truth is close and personal, such as losing a loved one, dogs included, of course you get to decide who you want to tell that to. There are things which you might prefer to keep only to yourself and to people that you trust.
Truth works amazingly well
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 03-18-2013, 08:11 PM
In life, as well as the hobby, it's the only way to go.
fun2come's Avatar
Just tell the fucking truth ... guys who can't handle the truth are not worth it.
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
How do you prefer to be turned down when calling for an appointment? we all have personal crisis's that pop up. about 2 weeks ago my dog died and I was devastated. I took the day off to recover. I told a few regulars who called the truth as to why I was not working that day. Do you guys prefer to just hear the standard line, that is often not true, I'm booked? How much truth is too much? Do u want to know if I am slacking off due to sxsw or my dog died or do u want to be told sorry I'm busy and leave it at that? Originally Posted by sue_nami
Just say you are busy or have prior engagements.
If a guy cancels with me i dont need an excuse as long as hes up front about not wanting to meet.. by then im just glad i didnt waste my time gettiing ready or spend time driving!! usually if i need to cancel its for a very good reason of an un expected issue that came up last minute or i have to push time back because of traffic hours.. either way im honest!!
This is helpful thread gets us thinking about our commitments to keep our appointments against shit-happens in life that prevents us from honoring them.

Always send and appreciate receiving, "sorry must cancel [our appointment]." Its truthful, unambiguous. No need to add info about sick dog or car without brakes, right? There is a difference between lying versus simply omitting unecessary personal details.

If its a regular, s/he will get it and be cool til next time. If its a first time meet, the addition of "reasons" (including personal information/problems) seems best left unsaid in writing and discussed face to face only if asked? Then and only then tell the truth without requirement or expectation of forthrightness?

Managing client disappointment arising from provider cancellation(s) is probably not significantly helped by my dog died. Adding 15 minutes to next appointment? Is that (half baked, admittedly) idea/approach ready for prime time?
