Your Yahoo Email Account Is Compromised !!!!!!!

Earlier this week I received Group Spam from 2 different providers . On it were quite a few hobbyists I know . Well this morning I received one from Myself , obvious conclusion is my account has been compromised by the first Group Spam . I have complained to Yahoo and they had me change my password to prevent the Spammers from having continued access to my email account . If you have ever received one of these Group Spam emails , change your password immediately !!!!!!
I now return you to your regularly scheduled program !
Fuck You Austin Forums !
Appreciate the fucked up Austin forum participants appreciate it.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Do you know enough to check the headers and see if it really came from your Yahoo account? It's quite common for spammers to put a false return address on spam e-mails. When they steal someone's e-mail or address book, they'll often pick one account out of the address book and make it look like the e-mail came from that person.

However, it's not a bad idea to change your password if there's any doubt. Also change your security questions on yahoo accounts if you've been hacked so they can't steal it back.

Yahoo had some problems a while back that made it particularly easy to steal your password. I think they've plugged at least some of the holes.

There's a "view recent sign-in activity" page in the account settings on yahoo (and gmail) that will show you if someone's been using your ID from another computer. It will help tell if someone's got your password and is silently watching your e-mail.

Fuck You Austin Forums ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
You're welcome.
Thanks GneissGuy , I changed security questions as well. The header is mine but it is old , I changed that previously when I was DIE HARD , mine has said rocker rick for at least 6 months , and not the name that shows as header . Also many of the hobbyist that appear on the Group Spam are ones I have never emailed . I checked origin of log in like you suggested .

Only one of the log in's is me , obviously ! Not sure how it was hijacked , and why the header is old , unless it was hijacked thru the providers email . I am contacting them to let them know what is occurring . Also PMing hobbyist that I recognize , so they know it has occurred .
GneissGuy's Avatar
On a PC, you'll also have a time stamp on that signin activity list, although maybe that's there on the mobile version, too. Were any of the bogus locations after you changed the password?

Clicking the location tab will give you IP addresses, but DON'T post that here. IP address may give you a few more clues as to different computers.

By "header" I meant the raw email/STMP techie gobbledegook at the top of every e-mail that is hidden by most e-mail clients. That will have a list of IP addresses that geeks can analyze and get some clues about where it really came from.

Don't post that either. You don't want to give out your IP.

However, if you haven't been in Malaysia or some of the other places listed, you know someone else has your yahoo account even without looking at the e-mail headers.

It's also possible someone has hacked your smart phone as well.
From my observations/experience, Yahoo mail seems to be the most hacked, spammed, phished, mail account there ever is!