Newbie here with a question about Review Specials

I am still pretty new to the hobby, I don't have many reviews and I am trying to build a credible reputation. However, when I ran a Review special only 1 client actually wrote me a review. So I am pretty skeptical on specials on the first visit now, does anyone have any advice for me on how to get more reviews to build my reputation? I am willing to offer a special for it I just don't want to get burned. Does it sound crazy to offer a special on the second visit? Any advice is appreciated
txexetoo's Avatar
Only offer your special to those who have a long history of writing reviews
That's a good idea hun thanks
Goose2u's Avatar
I've only got five but one was it review special but then again I haven't been a member quite a month yet
Another way to do it is to offer a discount on the next session to make sure you both are getting what y'all want.
  • grean
  • 08-07-2015, 03:06 PM
Have him write the review as your sucking him off.
Goose2u's Avatar
Now we're on to something and take pics
black sunshine's Avatar
Have them write it before leaving.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I normally offer the review special, which not all guys take.
If they don't take the special, then a review may or may not be written.
If they accept the special, then the review should be written.
Maybe put up a certain time limit for them to write the the review.
However, there is still no guarantee that they are going to write one and no way to get the money for that special if they don't unless they try to book with you again.
I usually write the reviews as soon as i get home while its still fresh in my head. Dont see why you wouldnt write a review (especially if you accept a RS) they just help everyone out, on both sides.
Another way to do it is to offer a discount on the next session to make sure you both are getting what y'all want. Originally Posted by Blueeyedginger
That's a really good idea. I knew I wasn't crazy to think like that
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Don't offer specials if you can help it. Trust me, they will hound ya to death for a cheaper rate anyway, especially if ya offer those. If ya let them haggle you, then ya get a reputation for allowing that kinda thing and you'll never get a moment's peace or your actual rate. I don't know what your rate is, but if ya think you don't mind haggling, go ahead and give yourself a raise now, so you can actually make what ya think ya need to and still tell a fella, ok, when he asks that you drop your rate for him.

Always screen, and if ya don't have preferred411, get verified by a gent who does. Great screening tool. Ya might have a better chance of getting regs or even reviews if you have an incall. ijs Some don't....most do.

Build your regs by offering regular clients a discount, even if ya gotta swear them to secrecy, so other gents who will only see ya once, won't get all indignant cause he's not getting what another gent got (cheaper rate).....regs see ya once a month or more. Keep an eye on different ladies, until ya get a feel for how ya really wanna build your rep. Some hang out on the board, some in chat, and some just build their clients and never get involved in the muck here. They let others do that for them... Don't let anyone tell you how to run your business, but take any advice you ask for and receive into consideration, and that you feel comfortable with.

Build up clientele, by checking out gents who seem female/provider friendly on the board, and not just guys who say damn, you got a great ass, baby. Unless you like that kinda thing....

Good luck, hon!
How about discounts at your desecration. If you have a really good session with someone then offer them a discount to encourage them to come back. you just gotta remember who u offered the discount to.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Some of the guys with high review counts want free sessions for reviews. Shep3.0 likes to brag that he's offered free sessions for his services because a review from him will boost a lady's business. Just keep in mind the some reviewers have the same group of guys commenting on each one of their reviews driving up the comment count and keep their reviews on the first page of the Independent review session, inflating the number of views. If you click on their reviews, the pattern is obvious. In exchange you'll get a review straight that reads like it was written straight out of 18 year-olds fantasy. There's a few others like daaaaaman and his trademark gimmick of FUCK YA!!!!!!!!! SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!! which is as fresh as jokes about someone's taint. But he gets views.

If you do review specials, try to make sure you get what you feel is appropriate value in return be it money, or publicity. Keep in mind that some guys gloss up reviews and write hardcover porn fantasies to make themselves look good for other hobbyists. Other hobbyists that read those reviews and will expect the same level of service, fair or unfair. That has come back to bite a lot of new providers in the ass when subsequent reviews don't measure up to the fantasy written by a "well respected member". They end up getting a "No" review, or multiple "No" reviews. Of course some of that is on the provider as well. Good luck and be careful.
GingerKatt's Avatar
I've never offered a review special. From what I understand, many times the review doesn't get written, (which doesn't make sense, don't they want PA?), or if the client feels the slightest little thing went wrong, or you didn't give him all kinds of extras since it's a review session, he writes a no review.
And if you offer the discount the 2nd visit, many clients are one and done, all about variety, and not interested in a 2nd session, unless it's a large discount. I just don't do it. If a gentleman wants to write a review, he does. If a client turns into a favorite regular, I'll most likely offer a discount if he needs it.