there had to be that one person!

thebuffmantraples's Avatar
The second Ebola lady took a flight. I'm sure she went about her life like nothing could happen(groceries, shopping, mc D's) good luck Texas. And the plane where has it been and most importantly who's been in it!
Stay safe.
CNN is reporting that the woman called the CDC handler to notify them that she was running a low=grade temperature and asked if it was OK to fly.

Obama's CDC team, said Okey Dokey !

Fucking imbecile bureaucrats.
Bull shit!!!
Bull shit!!! Originally Posted by i'va biggen

In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with Ebola, one health official said "somebody dropped the ball."

Infected Ebola healthcare worker flew on commercial flight
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that Vinson called the agency several times before flying, saying that she had a fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees. But because her fever wasn't 100.4 degrees or higher, she didn't officially fall into the group of "high risk" and was allowed to fly.
Bull shit!!! Originally Posted by i'va biggen

In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with Ebola, one health official said "somebody dropped the ball."

Infected Ebola healthcare worker flew on commercial flight
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that Vinson called the agency several times before flying, saying that she had a fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees. But because her fever wasn't 100.4 degrees or higher, she didn't officially fall into the group of "high risk" and was allowed to fly. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yes it is bull shit, doesn't anyone have any common sense? fuckers are really trying to spread this shit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are you saying the report isn't true, LittleEva? Please a link.
Are you saying the report isn't true, LittleEva? Please a link. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I honestly believe the only thing true about this whole Ebola scenario is the countries of Africa, primarily West Africa have experienced incidence of Ebola. Everything that has followed on our shores concerning Ebola is pure hype. The CDC is not a scientific or medical agency their only true function to compile data in reference to communicable diseases. They seem overly involved in this situation to me that sounds off a red light. I haven't seen anything from public health officials from the state of Texas Health Dept. on these incidences, I find that strange. I also can't understand why they haven't been medically screening people from Africa who are booking international flights to America. This doesn't make sense. I am going to call it like I see it. I think all the commotion is to get people concerned and fearful enough to accept a vaccine. If a vaccine for Ebola is rolled out in early 2015 then something is definitely up. It takes a few good years at least to develop, test and market a vaccine not a few months. I am having a hard time buying all this.

LexusLover's Avatar
I honestly believe the only thing true about this whole Ebola scenario is the countries of Africa, primarily West Africa have experienced incidence of Ebola. Everything that has followed on our shores concerning Ebola is pure hype. The CDC is not a scientific or medical agency their only true function to compile data in reference to communicable diseases. They seem overly involved in this situation to me that sounds off a red light. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It's the midterms.

The lies that Obaminable told to get re-elected have been exposed, and are continuing to be exposed as "we" post ..... and his growing list of failures have demonstrated that he had to lie to get re-elected, along with flashing the race card at every opportunity .....

... ISIS was (and is) kicking his ass, so HE had to find something he could BEAT, and the only thing he could find before November was a .... virus ..

NOW the VIRUS his kicking his ASS, and exposing further his incompetency.

He can't even defeat a germ.

That's what happens when people vote on the basis of cultural correctness.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
Open your **** fucking eyes. If I'm talking politics its because they all dropped the ball before the shit flew here. Every single one of those bastards. I'm not a doctor, nurse, cna. The lady knows better!just plain stupid that not one of these elected officials has had the nut to tell it like it needs to be without trying to hold office. These asses want to die of Ebola before relinquishing seat. Just to blame somebody else.
I understand not to grow panic but its beyond retard that they didn't plan shit here no one did.

Who's fault is that. Do we not live in our house.
Like I said people stay safe.

Who ever dropped the ball in letting the lady fly. That's complete and utter ignorance? Or intent. They belong in jail.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It's the midterms.

The lies that Obaminable told to get re-elected have been exposed, and are continuing to be exposed as "we" post ..... and his growing list of failures have demonstrated that he had to lie to get re-elected, along with flashing the race card at every opportunity .....

... ISIS was (and is) kicking his ass, so HE had to find something he could BEAT, and the only thing he could find before November was a .... virus ..

NOW the VIRUS his kicking his ASS, and exposing further his incompetency.

He can't even defeat a germ.

That's what happens when people vote on the basis of cultural correctness. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Obama is probably thinking it is a cruel world now that no one (other than partisan hacks) is showing any love anymore. He is in way over his head, and getting more and more confused.
boardman's Avatar
I sincerely hope that Obama makes this his 911 aftermath not his Katrina aftermath.

There is a lot more than politics riding on this now.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-16-2014, 08:02 AM
What is the over under for all you alarmists here on eccie with this Ebola thing?

100? 1000? 10,000?

How many Americans that contact Ebola in this country do you think will die in the next say 6 months.

My bet is less than 10 and it will be contained.

Any takers? Or is this just another pin the blame on Obama game?

It's the midterms.

The lies that Obaminable told to get re-elected have been exposed, and are continuing to be exposed as "we" post ..... and his growing list of failures have demonstrated that he had to lie to get re-elected, along with flashing the race card at every opportunity .....

... ISIS was (and is) kicking his ass, so HE had to find something he could BEAT, and the only thing he could find before November was a .... virus ..

NOW the VIRUS his kicking his ASS, and exposing further his incompetency.

He can't even defeat a germ.

That's what happens when people vote on the basis of cultural correctness. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Right it is midterms it is why the blame Obie for Ebola is ramping up.
I have no doubt Team Obama has done the same calculations:

-0 to 10 dead Americans = No political harm. Blue states stay blue !
-10 to 100 dead Americans = crisis, don't let it go to waste
-100 to 200 dead Americans = claim crisis contained and proof no need to close borders
-200+ dead americans = claim you did everything you could and closing the borders would have made no difference !

What is the over under for all you alarmists here on eccie with this Ebola thing?

100? 1000? 10,000?

How many Americans that contact Ebola in this country do you think will die in the next say 6 months.

My bet is less than 10 and it will be contained.

Any takers? Or is this just another pin the blame on Obama game?

Originally Posted by WTF