one more thing...


if somebody is your ATF and your all about her all the time, then next month somebody else is your all time favorite... make sure their worth the title!! if i was YOUR atf, i would consider that a honor!! men just know we read threads and notice things

You can change ATFs... But men just make sure it doesnt change with the weather... people catch on after a while


If you change it every other week.. make her your STF MATERIAL ( SOMETIME FAVORITE MATERIAL) i made that up

GOod night eccie!! MUAHHHH

<3 Brookie is soo lovable
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
...If you change it every other week.. make her your STF MATERIAL ( SOMETIME FAVORITE MATERIAL) i made that up

<3 Brookie is soo lovable Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
STF= Short term "fun"


Your post kinda tiggles me.
In fact it's pure "GOLD"
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
ATF is an overused term...I was telling another hobbyist the other day about a new girl I saw and I said she had to be in the Top Five of girls I had ever got naked with, as far as physical looks and beauty. He just laughed and said well your Top 5 already has about 12 girls in it...LOL!!!!
flexywun's Avatar
i've learned to be careful using the term. i have a small rotation of regulars that i see that i guess i would consider ATFs. told one of them i had two ATFs (she was one of them). she got pissed she wasn't the only one (like i'me her only guy, right). come to think of it, she proceeded to show me why she deserved the title. so...
My ATF remains my SO, which is why I am still with her! Just need a little extra on the side, as far as providers go I would be hard pressed to say who in particular is my favorite. The ones I really enjoy are all great in their own way. A top five list is probably as close as it would get.
Randall Creed's Avatar
To each their own. I have only one ATF. She's the only one who wears the title (and she knows who she is). Now, there are some great ladies who I've seen more than once, and they're high ranking on the chain. I've had great times with them every time I see them. However, there is one..that IS the One.

E pluribus unum
pmdelites's Avatar
everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, changes all the time.
favorite food, favorite car, favorite shoes, favorite tv show, favorite friend, favorite ice cream, favorite position, favorite woman.
it things didnt change, we'd all be laying about pooping in our diapers, or going back further, being a part of whatever came before the big bang.

until you understand change, you'll never change.
  • T-Can
  • 05-29-2010, 09:47 AM
Mods, maybe we should merge both threads:

Same material but takes on the subject as a whole and does not put one person in the spotlight.

TFF, Chainsaw!
everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, changes all the time.
. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Brilliant point! I love it.
Well of course things change. "All Time Favorite" means from time 0 to the present. It does not include the future (unless you can see into the future). So by definition it could change tomorrow, or the next day. And why else are we in the hobby other than to see what is over the next hill, to have that next "best ever" session with a provider. Every new session I have I want to be the best ever.
Int3rested's Avatar
One thing you can count on...things will's all about the next ATF.
Well of course things change. "All Time Favorite" means from time 0 to the present. It does not include the future (unless you can see into the future). So by definition it could change tomorrow, or the next day. And why else are we in the hobby other than to see what is over the next hill, to have that next "best ever" session with a provider. Every new session I have I want to be the best ever. Originally Posted by subclade
Very well said, I tend to agree with you. I have alot of regulars, but am not worried about a silly label of being an ATF or not. Men hobby because they love variety. When it comes to the hobby, they are like kids being able to have their pick of the toy store. Whatever "toy" they are playing with at that time, is their All Time Favorite toy! Of course until the next toy comes along....

xoxo Sophie
i never said one person at all.. i am alot of peoples atf's.... just saw it as a curious question.. and u know brookie like to get her fellow eccie members opinoin. dont take things so personal. and when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME

happy hobbying!
TinMan's Avatar
The acronym FFN (Favorite For Now) is probably more appropriate in most circumstances. It is as underused as ATF is overused.
*look at me, look at me*