Asian Massage Parlors

bawdyboy's Avatar
Channel 4 did a negative report on them tonight offering happy endings and prostitution so looks like another crack down coming!
Channel 4 did a negative report on them tonight offering happy endings and prostitution so looks like another crack down coming! Originally Posted by bawdyboy

And there was something about this on twitter from a state legislator with the hashtag #humantrafficking. This ties in with the other thread in this forum on the bill before the legislature that might make the customers register as sex offenders. This is a serious issue.
here is the KARK piece Originally Posted by Prohacvice
That lady in the news clip, who said she starting investigating after her son mention something to her about it, really wanting to say she been noticing her husband been spending a lot of time at there. She needs to mine her own business, and that dude with KARK I bet you anything he got the extras.
Hatty242's Avatar
"So, I went in there and got a massage. Having a background in cosmetology, that was not a massage done by a professional," says Richardson.

Well, I beg to differ!

Ok, well, on a serious note - the thing I find unbelievably frustrating is they always talk about human trafficking, but at the end of the day they either bust newbies that post an ad on backpage because they are easy to catch, or they do something like this where they shut a facility down but the trafficking organization just moves on. No girls saved, no lives improved, just making things look good for the newspapers. In the mean time human trafficking is a real and serious issue, but because they are hard to catch the cops just bust women who post on backpage and are just looking to make a buck. It just pisses me off. I actually wrote my legislator about it but all I got back was some drivel about the actions "still improve people's lives". Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't (hi, we're busting you but it's for your own good, really) but it sure as heck doesn't do anything about human trafficking.

Ok I'm probably preaching to the choir. Off to bed for me. Early day tomorrow.
Agree everyone, I see them bust are usually back posting on BP before the sun comes up.
I don't buy the story. No one here was getting extra at any of the Asian MP and it certainty was not for a lack of effort. This story is bull. Unless the reporter actually called someone of back page but they certainly implied it was one of the Asian places.
CoolnQuiet's Avatar
And yet again, politicians step in to squash the free market....