Rating Hugs

We rate everything else, so why not the hugs at the end of sessions? I have a scale with four steps:

H0 - This is basically the church-lady hug, where she turns her side to you so there's no real body-to body contact.

H1 - This is the "I'm not really into this" hug. It's front to front, but she limits it to cheek-to-cheek by arching her back so there's no real chest-to-chest contact.

H2 - This is a normal "real" hug, with chest pressed to chest. It's the one you get from people you love, and it's the basic man-to-woman contact that drives the world.

H3 - The real deluxe, sensual hug, often interpreted as, "can we get a room nearby?" I've only got one of these, but it was the most memorable hug of my life. I was in a class that lasted several months. It was a discussion-type class, where opinions differed radically. There was a woman in the class who was usually of the same or similar opinion I was, and we usually had each other's backs in arguments. The last day of class, we walked outside to say goodbye and her hug was not only chest to chest, but she pressed her thighs against mine. If she wasn't moving to another state to get married, I would have said that we definitely need to go out sometime, and probably soon.

After sessions, there are often hugs with the provider. What do you think about rating them along with physical attributes, etc.?
I give an "H3" hug in the beginning or the end or both...im a sensual person and love touch...
I'm a H3 huger too. I hug everybody. When someone asks me what my hobby is - I tell them - one of them is hugging.
And I'm enthusiastic about it too - sometime I go a little over board but that's all right - you can't go wrong with a hug
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mah fav'rit hugs is tha type whar a gal hugs mah dick wif her poosey!
I love the goodbye hugs that are so good they magically turn into another round.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I love the goodbye hugs that are so good they magically turn into another round. Originally Posted by RetiredNinja
I've been told my pussy is like your weenist getting a nice tight hug from the Lord. I mean, pussies give the best hugs let's get real guize.

is it "pussies", or "pussys". I need clarification Ninja.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
LOL at DD. Those are good hugs too.

I'm usually H2 or H3 depending on the feeling or vibe I pick up.
EagleEye's Avatar
Mah fav'rit hugs is tha type whar a gal hugs mah dick wif her poosey! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
I like it. Let's call this the H4? Or perhaps H5, with mouth hugging the dick, the H4 level.
Church lady hug... hilarious.

That's the type of hug I give someone I'm not here for, so that situation hasn't come up for me on a date.
avalanche16's Avatar
Any hugs with big boobies involved are good enough for me.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mah fav'rit hugs is tha type whar a gal hugs mah dick wif her poosey! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
LOL at DD. Those are good hugs too. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
Darn tootin'! 'Speshully when they last a good long time an' makes yer toes curl an' sum rock hard nipperolahs darn near poke yer eyes out so ya gotta tongue-tied let up, purely fer eye-safety reas'ns an' OSHA reg-yew-lay-shuns.

An' then ya feel so 'xhausted ya need anutha hug ta make ya feel better!
There's the H3 variant with the gentle thigh lift that gently seeks out your ball sac and says "howdy boys".