P411's new policies and pricing changes to enforce said policies... Good, bad, indifferent?

I am sure all of the ladies have encountered the new policies in having to rework pulled down ads and gentlemen have had to deal with the lack of posted menus... Now, come the increases in ad posting rates, "said" to enforce the new guidelines by making the ladies feel the violations in their purses.

Every business is free to implement any business plan they like and I understand the reason given for all of the changes. (Even though I might not agree with all of them.) Every potential consumer is also free to turn away from any business they like. I am just curious about the opinions of the sites clients, on both ends of the hobby. Good, bad or indifferent? Ladies, will this cause you to utilize the site less or stop posting at all? Is it cost effective for you, or just a pain in the ass? Gentlemen, does the hassle of no menu posted cause you to use it less? If less ladies are posting, due to rate increases, will that cause you to stop using it or use it less? Premium access users, will this cause you to stop paying for access? Do you think the changes will help the site in it's goal to avoid notice and follow the path of Redbook, or is it just a matter of time?
joesmo888's Avatar
I'm sure there will be many guys post on here bitching about the changes but it's still a great way to quickly get screened and get % discounts

the menu thing is not a big deal because you can read reviews and get a sense of the menu from that and I never trusted the menu's over actual rock hard reviews. if you are just going by the menu and not bothering to do your homework on the provider in the first place then you could be in for a bad time

my only problem with it is that for those that don't hobby very much it's like paying for nothing, and those that hobby all the time are reaping the benefits and the service is paying for itself via the discounts 5 fold. but that's why its called a service, you can either use it or not
GinaXXX's Avatar
Please note that provider accounts and Home Listings still are, and always will be, FREE.

What we are discussing here is an increase in the rate for Visiting Ads, from 10 points per month (<$10) to 20 points per month (<$20).

The reason for the increase is that some providers are posting numerous "fishing" ads. The increase was put in place with the intent of having providers post less spammy ads in cities they never plan to visit, leaving the site less cluttered for the providers who are serious about a visit in that city (or who are local).

There is also the separate issue of the new sexual terms policy that most people aren't happy with (including me!) but we have to enforce it. Sorry folks!

Brielle Devonshire's Avatar
My guess is that there may be a decrease in ladies who will tour to other areas due to the cost of advertising on there has doubled overnight. Or ladies might still tour, but you might have to use other means of finding out about her travel plans.

I do understand the latest rate increase for Ad Board on there though. I'm sure the man hours of policing vocabulary had to have made a serious jump since the law changed in Canada. Most men seem to be unaware or do not utilize that ad board anyhow (apologies if that was an over generalization).

In lieu of the "menu" changes...It seems to me that the amount of inquiries asking me what my "menu" items are has significantly increased. It would appear that this has shifted the responsibility to the provider to have those items posted somewhere instead of gentleman researching via reviews. However, I have also noticed an uptick in gentleman writing in their profiles the things that they are interested in so that a lady can peruse his profile first to see if they might be a good match. I really enjoy that when I come across those profiles; then again, I do read the profiles. LOL.

In summary, things change due to various and sundry reasons and we all need to make decisions for our businesses and hobby adventures.
joesmo888's Avatar
never used the ad board and pretty much ignore it... I just go by the ladies last activity and then shoot her a message asking if so and so date/time is good with her.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Providers who are charging $200/hr - $300/hr - $400/hr - $500/hr..... up in arms about a <$10 per month increase for optional Visiting Ads. What can you do.... smh

I know and I am in no way trying to put a negative light on the site or changes. I may not have worded the changes properly to reflect the Ad changes. I am interested in looking at the business plan side of it and how it can change the market for the site. I am interested in this topic in general and thought this was a good example. Obviously, the best source for the impact moving forward would be to ask you, but I am aware the exact info is private. The next best thing is to ask the client base.

The impact of the new ad changes could be very positive.

Multiple fishing ads are spam and are annoying.

Please note that provider accounts and Home Listings still are, and always will be, FREE.

What we are discussing here is an increase in the rate for Visiting Ads, from 10 points per month (<$10) to 20 points per month (<$20).

The reason for the increase is that some providers are posting numerous "fishing" ads. The increase was put in place with the intent of having providers post less spammy ads in cities they never plan to visit, leaving the site less cluttered for the providers who are serious about a visit in that city (or who are local).

There is also the separate issue of the new sexual terms policy that most people aren't happy with (including me!) but we have to enforce it. Sorry folks!

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Providers who are charging $200/hr - $300/hr - $400/hr - $500/hr..... up in arms about a <$10 per month increase for optional Visiting Ads. What can you do.... smh

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX

People will always complain, no matter what. I am more interested in a business plan impact, for better or worse.
GinaXXX's Avatar
I am more interested in a business plan impact, for better or worse. Originally Posted by Molly Rendon
The more you charge, the less business you'll have.

We want there to be less frivolous Visiting Ads, it's not a financial move (although if it ends up being one, I won't complain!).

JennaKae's Avatar
If you see four P411 members during your visit, you get the $ back. My issue is not with the increase as everything else is FREE to providers, my issue is with the gents that do not send the 'Okay" requests.
When traveling I also use Eros, CityVibe and BackPage. I pay more than 20$ for those sites and get none of the benefits of P411.
Anyhoo.....ya'all be safe.
peace n love....J
I could care less about the visiting ad rate increase.
Sometimes people just like a little notice before things change.

"I warned ladies about fishing ads. Unfortunately it hasn't improved. Starting Apr 1 visiting ads will be increased to 20 points."

I always have enough points to post my visiting ads, but ladies who set funds aside.. It may only be $10 on your site, but if all sites that we advertise on went up without notice, that's where I can see issues.

Providers who are charging $200/hr - $300/hr - $400/hr - $500/hr..... up in arms about a <$10 per month increase for optional Visiting Ads. What can you do.... smh

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
GinaXXX's Avatar
Sometimes people just like a little notice before things change.
I definitely should have posted a notice, it could have been handled better.

I definitely should have posted a notice, it could have been handled better.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
That's a grey area too, I raised my rates to be 300 flat. It was 250 when I traveled so I knew I woildn't spend more than I made, but I didn't make an announcement. So, what can you do? I acknowledged all dates planned prior to the increase, but ..

Anyway, I'm not upset about it myself, but I can see how others could be. Gina 99.9% of the times gives us notice and tons of patience after the start of a change to adjust. The .1% no notice was this time. That's probably why people are up in arms.
I, personally, am not up in arms. As Gina has stated, many people (including her) are not happy about the new law and terminology policy changes that came along with it. I do realize now, that I only put potential negative impacts in my first post. All of the policy changes, including the rate changes, WERE necessary. I am just interested in the potential impact of the combination of changes, both good and bad.

I have had an ad pulled for using the word "arouse". I didn't realize it when I wrote it. No big deal, I reworked the ad to comply.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I use p411 almost exclusively for scheduling appointments and find it invaluable. I utilize the local ad area to keep an eye out for touring girls coming through. To me, anything that decreases the spam ads in those areas is a good thing from the client's perspective.

I don't like the lack of specific menu items but what can they do? The law is the law, I'm just happy the site is still there in the first place personally.