It's time to take a break!

PoppyToyota's Avatar
I have been thinking a lot lately with the free time on my hands. Everyone picks and chooses a time when they just need to take a break. I have decided my time is now. I haven't decided who yet but, I will make one more appt for my upcoming birthday then I'll be done.

Thank You to all the wonderful women who have put up with me over the past 2 years. I have had more fun than I can put into words. My only regret is that there was no way possible to see ALL of you.

Awww. We'll miss you, Poppy. I do hope it's just a break, and we will see you back here sometime soon. xoxo
pyramider's Avatar
Drinck your coffee and get bad to boinking the babes.
I will miss you very much Poppy. You know that you can call anytime and we can meet for lunch in our neck of the woods. Take care.
steverino50's Avatar
Happy Birthday, Poppy. I hope your birthday rendevouz is the best one yet.
Don't hesitate to IM me and say "hi".
Take it easy, Poppy. Don't stay gone too long.
Lauren Lane's Avatar
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww MAN.
Happy Birthday

Nice chatting with you the few times we did.

Stevexox02's Avatar
Happy Birthday, Poppy. I hope your birthday rendevouz is the best one yet. Originally Posted by steverino50
You might want to consider for your farewell tour, If its your cup o' tea.

(I cant read the ROS, but the replies seem to indicate it was spectacular.)

Always go out on a Bang!

And Happy Birthday!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Keep us posted on your health. Best of luck, Poppy.
sexydiamond's Avatar
Glad I got to see at least once Poppy. Take care!
I hope you have a Super Fun Birthday and I wish you the best.
~Lexy Laye~
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I've had a few people ask about my health. I'm fine, not worse or anything. Just need some time away. Thank You all for the messages and PM's asking about me.
So long brotha, hope to see you back soon. Enjoy your birthday and your time off!

yaddayadda's Avatar
Happy Birthday, good luck.