Hunter, Hunter, Hunter

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From the NY Times of all people:

SCOOP: HUNTER BIDEN paid off a significant tax liability (he told an associate that it was $1M+ & that he took out a loan to pay it).

But a federal grand jury is continuing to gather evidence in a broad probe of Hunter's international business dealings.

The Justice Department inquiry into the business dealings of the president’s son has remained active, with a grand jury seeking information about payments from around the world.

WASHINGTON — In the year after he disclosed a federal investigation into his “tax affairs” in late 2020, President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, paid off a significant tax liability, even as a grand jury continued to gather evidence in a wide-ranging examination of his international business dealings, according to people familiar with the case.

Mr. Biden’s failure to pay all his taxes has been a focus of the ongoing Justice Department investigation. While wiping out his liability does not preclude criminal charges against him, the payment could make it harder for prosecutors to win a conviction or a long sentence for tax-related offenses, according to tax law experts, since juries and judges tend to be more sympathetic to defendants who have paid their bills.

But Mr. Biden’s taxes are just one element of the broader investigation stemming from work he did around the world. Hunter Biden is a Yale-educated lawyer; his professional life has intersected with his father’s public service, including working as a registered lobbyist for domestic interests and, while his father was vice president, pursuing deals and clients in Asia and Europe.

As recently as last month, the federal grand jury heard testimony in Wilmington, Del., from two witnesses, one of whom was a former employee of Hunter Biden whose lawyer was later subpoenaed for financial records that reflected money Mr. Biden received from a Ukrainian energy company.

more at
berryberry's Avatar
And what do you know - wonder what those libtards who denied the existence of this laptop will have to say now

As part of their HUNTER BIDEN probe, prosecutors examined emails matching those from a cache that appears to have come from the laptop Biden abandoned at a Delaware repair shop.

Our story cites some of the emails, which were authenticated by people familiar with them & the probe
berryberry's Avatar
We saw it here from Eye and others

The conspiracy to suppress this information by mainstream media, big tech companies and the Democratic Party is the single greatest act of disinformation ever perpetrated in the social media era

Hunter Biden's infamous laptop confirmed in New York Times report

bambino's Avatar

NYT: DOJ inquiry into the business dealings of Hunter Biden has remained active, with a grand jury seeking information about payments from around the world
berryberry's Avatar
This is yet another example of one of the many great election frauds that took place in 2020 to put Senile Biden in office

Now that NYT has confirmed many of the details of the scoop that got NY Post banned from Twitter, will we get any follow up from the outlets who helped bury the story?

Beyond the full-court press from Twitter & Facebook, the media & libtards worked overtime to shut down the story that was extremely damaging to Senile Biden
bambino's Avatar
This is yet another example of one of the many great election frauds that took place in 2020 to put Senile Biden in office

Now that NYT has confirmed many of the details of the scoop that got NY Post banned from Twitter, will we get any follow up from the outlets who helped bury the story?

Beyond the full-court press from Twitter & Facebook, the media & libtards worked overtime to shut down the story that was extremely damaging to Senile Biden Originally Posted by berryberry
And Joey Bribes was mumbling about naked pictures yesterday.

Was he informing us on what’s to come?
berryberry's Avatar
A Stolen Election by the Biden Crime Family !!!

The New York Times admits what we've known for years: the Hunter Biden laptop story was true.

Big tech's censorship of this story was a disgrace.

For decades, the Biden family has cashed in on Joe's government service.

Even today, Hunter Biden is getting paid millions for his "artwork" in a corrupt arrangement blessed by the White House.
bambino's Avatar
Just the News: Hunter Biden’s business partner Devon Archer is trying to delay his prison sentence yet again with a new appeal that did not amuse federal prosecutors.
Archer faces one year and one day in prison and was ordered last month to pay financial penalties of $15 million and over $43 million in restitution.
berryberry's Avatar
Has it hit you yet that the Democrats and the Deep State undeniably used a pandemic, election fraud and corrupt cover-ups by big tech and mainstream media to steal the 2020 election and unseat President Trump because he was in the way of their plans?
berryberry's Avatar
A Corrupt Senile President placed into office by all types of fraud

And this

berryberry's Avatar
Hunter was engaging in business worldwide on behalf of his father.

If he got himself compromised by a frigging American computer repair shop, what do you think foreign intelligence agencies were able to get from him?
berryberry's Avatar
Flashback: One In Six [Actual] Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media

So the world would be in a far better place if all this election fraud to put Senile Biden in office NOT occurred
berryberry's Avatar
How convenient:

The Biden Crime Family cover-up continues

Secret Service says it can't find Hunter Biden travel records for 2010, 2011, or 2013
How convenient:

The Biden Crime Family cover-up continues

Secret Service says it can't find Hunter Biden travel records for 2010, 2011, or 2013 Originally Posted by berryberry
... They can't find Hillary's missing e-mails, either.

So I'm NOT surprised.

### Salty
... See? ... THAT is just one more reason Bambino and
some of our other mates DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING
that comes from the Biden White House or the corrupt FBI/DOJ.

... How can they? - With all the lies we've seen.

### Salty