what just happened here?

john_deere's Avatar
Groggy1's Avatar
Obliterated without even the courtesy of a reach-around.
john_deere's Avatar

obliterated is right. i got the infraction equivalent of a dry fuck.

it's all good, though. if you don't occasionally wake cryptkicker up he might go soft on us.
Groggy1's Avatar
Does this mean I can no longer refer to an overly plump person as being a "fatty" ?
Or mention when I plop down in my easy chair and enjoy a "Bud" ?
CryptKicker's Avatar
It was a rule 15 infraction and you all know better. It does not matter if laws change on a particular subject. Eccie is not a democracy and while we are very lenient concerning certain subjects the nuclear ones cannot be discussed
john_deere's Avatar
my point was, THAT subject shouldn't be nuclear, especially when being discussed in a generic context rather than in reference to any particular person. i'm the first to support eccie not being a democracy, but that's just silly. and the points you gave me was heavy handed, even for you, breh.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Nuclear or not nuclear is not up to you or me. It is the guidelines as set forth by ownership. Casual mention often only gets a warning. You were not casual.
Is it an unmentionable world wide?
john_deere's Avatar
there's one way to find out.....
Midnighting's Avatar
oh god here goes john
CryptKicker's Avatar
Is it an unmentionable world wide? Originally Posted by dirt street cowboy
It is: #15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.

You will note that even the general discussion is not allowed.
john_deere's Avatar
in all seriousness, i'd be interested in hearing the rationale. it might be a good reason none of us ever thought about.

or they might just be pussies.

Groggy1's Avatar
Now you are getting back to something we CAN discuss JD.
Phrasing's Avatar
Guess it even isn't legal to discuss in states that it is legal to purchase? I mean, talking about the legal stuff to purchase ofcourse
john_deere's Avatar
i just want to understand the policy and why it's in place. that's why i made the thread originally, because i was hoping to draw out that information. i'm just curious, but if the powers that be would be so kind as to explain the rationale i would consider it a fair trade for the 10 points.