RIP....the Great Stan Lee

As a pre-pubescent youth, I cherished the stacks upon stacks of Marvel comics I'd collected over time (believe 10 cents a clip you could buy a ton of them after a profitable Saturday of mowing lawns around the neighborhood. Needless to say, I howled the day they went up in price to 12 cents a copy....oh, the injustice! lol)

The Amazing Spiderman.....the Invincible Thor...the Incredible Hulk....the Fantastic Four....on and on and question the creative duo of Jack "King" Kirby and Stan Lee were in a league of their own (fie: or those of you who didn't know, at age 23, Kirby created the character, Captain America, in 1940.)

Stan lost his beloved wife, Joan, last year just a few months shy of their 70th wedding anniversary. She was his inspiration for the character, Gwen Stacy, in the Spiderman stories.

Rest In Peace, Stan. Excelsior!

Sir Axl's Avatar
Spider-Man is my all time favorite comic book character. He meant a lot to me growing up.

Knew this day was coming, but still it’s a sad day. He will be missed. Always enjoyed his cameos in the marvel movies. RIP Stan the Man!!
Many of us owe our reading skills to Stan Lee. Thanks Stan.