Low Tech Trades - No Sex

I have experienced in the past that some ladies have badass technology and some have bad technology. Broken, dead, lifeless computers etc.

So, for those of you needing a dual core laptop that will do this gig and stream video and all that but not make you captain of any game universe, I have a couple of freshly setup Toshiba dual cores, DVD drives and one has an SSD boot drive. Legal Windows 10, other software is up to you. If you or your Momma or your broke sister needs one, I'm down for a trade. No sex.

Caveat? You have to tell me a story. A good one. Olivia had a great one, I got some useable stuff from Kendall one time and Jules was a goldmine. So. Tell me a story, walk away with a laptop computer to do your gig on.

There's also an iPAD 3 retina, but it's 32 bit and that's going away. If you want one for your kid to watch videos on or check your email, it's in the mix as well.

Older tech, but not dinosaur bones, you get to keep your clothes on and I'm not an asshole. PM me if interested.
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what genre of story?

the more involved, entertaining, interesting, the more peripherals you'll add? :^}
Anything from fishing with grampa to lunatic fucktards!