
John Bull's Avatar
OK, here is something I've been thinking of for a long time. It may be to late for me but who knows - maybe not!

An orgy! Ladies who are known to love sex of all kinds. Doesn't matter what part of the country they come from.

In order to make the ladies comfortable and in order to make sure they haven't lost enough revenue to make it a difficult time for them, they will receive 1K + expenses to come and partake for a 12 hour period.

There will be 2 more men than women. All the sex will be in the open, No separate rooms.

No type sex will be excluded except BDSM and Scat. Although some light play with plugs and whips might be allowed where all are agreeable.

The men will divide the expenses of the ladies plus the cost of the food, drink and the venue. Should run about 1K to 1.3K per gent.

No drugs! No cameras! No cell phones!

Who would attend such a get together? Seriously!!
  • MLG
  • 11-01-2010, 10:30 PM
DallasRain's Avatar
woohooooooo that is ALAWYS FUN!!!!!
John Bull's Avatar
Thank you MLG and Dallas R. I had hoped to have some response from some guys but apparently the tab is to high for the guys here. LOL How about 2K per girl? hehehe
I would surely attend something like this! My only request would be a few smoke breaks in between the violations. Hehehe!

Seriously, let me know if anyone puts something like this together, I'm game!
John Bull's Avatar
And you do look like you'd be game for a lot of fun, m'lady.
ANONONE's Avatar
For rhetorical sake. . .

would we be talking a large cabin or small lodge with a hot tub in the wilderness. . .say like hocking hills?

At any setting. . .we would be looking at a nice common area. . .a few private play areas. . .buffet and beverages. . .12 hours or so of various debauchery with various partners. . .recreation/relaxation (smoking) breaks. . .at about $1,500. . .I am going to open a sultan vacation savings account at my credit union!
John Bull's Avatar
The site looks very nice. $1500 might do it, especially with no hotel to pay. So far there are three ladies and two guys. Guess we've out-priced the guys and we'll have to go to other sites to get enough ladies.
Where are you people?????
ANONONE's Avatar

Was this not an awesome idea? Come on folks. . .chime in if you would like to do this!
Brooklyn Viceroy's Avatar
It has been my experience that when a specific date and city are named, more people are apt to begin planning. Part of being a successful provider is being consistently organized~this includes being where you say you will be and honoring commitments. I cant say "sure, I'd love to join" without know the where and when...I need the time to check my calendar and weigh priorities before I could consider anything.

It does sound like fun though....
John Bull's Avatar
You'd be right Brooklyn, if this was a concrete proposal for the thing. But it was just a feeler to see if there were any folks out there who would be interested - all things being equal - in such a get together.
I was particularly interested in how many hobbyists would be willing to come up with the cash to make it happen. With all due respect to the local ladies, for that money, the hobbyists could have had a pretty long reach.
Maybe, given the lack of responses, this is to early in the Eccie life to propose something like this.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I'd love to but can't afford it yet. Next summer things get better money wise.
I've stayed in cabin #3 there in Anonone's post. Very nice but not secluded enough for outdoor play.
Too much $ and probably too much time for me to be able to get away.
Captain Columbus's Avatar
Been there and done that several years ago JB. You would have fit right in. LOL Went for around six hours plus. All expenses such as rooms, food, drinks, lube, pop rocks, etc were divided equally by the guys. Girls were guaranteed a minimum. Can't remember the # but no where near $lk. They charged their best fee on half hour and one hour dates. Some dates were open in the party room and some were BCD. Think we had seven guys and five girls. Most guys had 2-3 dates. So the girls picked up the = to around four dates for the evening. They seemed happy happy & all said they had a great time. Took a lot of time to coordinate. Lots of fond memories though.
ANONONE's Avatar
Wouldn't four dates average out to about 1K for the ladies?

So if we work on the other end to bring down the cost of the facility and refreshments what would be the threshold that most folks would bump against?

Since we are talking in simple theory here (we would try to get a consensus on location as things shape up) what are the factors you (providers and hobbyists) are most concerned with?

Ladies how much money would you need to make for a 36 hour (or so) party where you had say 3-4 dates spread out with lots of flirtation and other activities mixed in?

Gent's where does price and comfort conflict? Assuming you are in this for more than playtime with one lady, how much would you be willing to spend and how many ladies would you want to choose from?

Both gents and ladies, how nice does the location have to be? I threw those pictures up (Captain I was actually thinking the same thing, but there are other cabins in Hocking Hills that are more secluded, but not as nice) just to get the juices flowing. Obviously we could go a bit more no frills and just get a couple of adjoining hotel suites, but the idea of a lodge or big playroom has great appeal. If any of you are still swingers, perhaps you have contacts that know of such rental properties?


Let's not kill the idea--keep the ideas coming and maybe by the time the weather breaks we will all have enough money and do enough spitballing of ideas to come up with an actual event down the road.