First time in KC what’s your favorite fountain 😊

Kendrakashmire's Avatar
I’ve been reading about the over 200 fountains I love nice walks with my little dog and would like to see some of YOUR favs 😍😍
jakestone's Avatar
One of the best is located in the Plaza. It represents the Mississippi, Volga, Seine & Rhine rivers. Nice park to walk your pup. If you Google "kc plaza fountain" you get a long list of fountains.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
jake mentions the Nichols Fountain above.

My 1st three are also on the plaza

Neptune Fountain on the Plaza
Installed 1953
Simply gorgeous
47th and Central

Fountain of Bacchus
Need I say more?
Next to the Cheesecake Factory on 47th

Mermaid Fountain
Exquisite hand carved marble statues of women thought to be from the 1700s
47th and Broadway

In the northland...
Northland Fountain
SE corner of North Oak and Vivian
Absolutely do not buy a few gallons of any color of food coloring or liquid soap (bubbles) before visiting.
  • BNF2
  • 09-01-2022, 07:16 AM
My favorite is the fountain in front of Union Station.
TailHooked's Avatar
Give me enough water and I can be like Old Faithful every hour. Lol