And another one bites the dust.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Beto is IN!


he's DOA from the start. More trouble brewing for the already fragmented and melting down Democrats. 15 declared losers, one and all. and it will get worse, Demtards!


Beto O'Rourke confirms he is jumping into 2020 presidential race

David Knowles 1 hour 25 minutes ago

Beto O'Rourke speaks to Oprah Winfrey during a taping of her TV show in Manhattan, N.Y., on Feb. 5, 2019. (Photo: Carlo Allegri/Reuters) Beto O’Rourke was born to run ... for president.

The former Texas congressman confirmed Wednesday that he will enter the 2020 race for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to a Fox News television affiliate based in El Paso, Texas.

O'Rourke confirmed his plan to formally announce his candidacy on Thursday morning to El Paso NBC affiliate KTSM.

“I’m really proud of what El Paso did and what El Paso represents. It’s a big part of why I’m running,” O’Rourke told KTSM in a text message.

Earlier in the day, Vanity Fair magazine published a story on O’Rourke’s thinking on whether to enter the crowded Democratic field.

“I’m just born to do this,” O’Rourke told the magazine.

O’Rourke catapulted to national prominence during his failed bid to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in the 2018 midterm elections.

President Trump campaigned hard for Cruz, lobbing attacks against O’Rourke as he campaigned in the Lone Star State.
Beto O’Rourke is a total lightweight compared to Ted Cruz, and he comes nowhere near representing the values and desires of the people of the Great State of Texas. He will never be allowed to turn Texas into Venezuela!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 19, 2018
Despite O’Rourke’s narrow loss, his high-profile candidacy helped Democrats retake House seats and control of the chamber.

When it became clear that O’Rourke was considering a run in 2020, Trump again mocked the Democratic phenom.

“I thought you were supposed to win before you run for president,” Trump told reporters in December.

O'Rourke becomes the 15th Democrat to enter the race to decide who will take on Trump in the general election.
winn dixie's Avatar
Just about to post this myself.

Un beta is the Bozo of the group! I knew he could not resist. Might as well. He had zero chance against Cornyn.
beta and aoc are like the shiny new toys at Christmas! They will soon be worthless! bahahahahahahahahahahahaha
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just about to post this myself.

Un beta is the Bozo of the group! I knew he could not resist. Might as well. He had zero chance against Cornyn.
beta and aoc are like the shiny new toys at Christmas! They will soon be worthless! bahahahahahahahahahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie

he thinks a weak field makes him look like the lessor of a bunch of assholes.


well he's still an asshole. in fact .. he is a jackass.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
not surprised that beto is running....

he has 30 million in campaign funds from last years election.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Beto is the biggest dog shit taco the Dems can back. he is a LOSER.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
He doesn’t know his stuff.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
dog shit taco o'rourke!

Boy oh boy, Robert Francis is certainly "shaking up the race" isn't he? (quoted from the MSNBC morning show covering his Iowa coffee shop rally....)

Is this the best the Dimmturds can come up with? My gawd, just when you think this party has hit rock bottom....

No doubt Robert Francis is gonna make a point he plans to visit each and every one of the 3,242 counties in the US. Other than being a possible replacement for the Travelocity gnome someday, what does this guy have other than a big bag of nothing?

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup the Irish Mexican loser is back,,, again
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Beto will definitely shake up the primary season. Early polls put him right behind Biden and Sanders for the nomination.

He’ll make a fine VP

Folks, Trump will get his ass whipped by anybody in the race, as well as hundreds more who aren’t.

He is a fucking ignorant walking disaster politically and you know it.

The question is how horribly stupid will his propaganda machine make the national dialog before we finally make it to November 2020. We’re already getting a whiff of that shit storm now.

Five star thread! Great job!

[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1061342693] He’ll make a fine VP [QUOTE]

Whose VP?

Biden? Not a chance.

Once Uncle Joe hits the faux-Latino right between the eyes (in the debates) with a "I knew Barack Obama.....and you, sir, are no cock-lickin', tranny-fuckin', socialist, closet muzzie…...Oh, wait...perhaps you are! " Beta will grab his skateboard and run off cryin' his little eyes out (dropping his signature F-bomb a few times along the way, oc....)

VP choice per Bernie..??

Gawd Awmighty, let's HOPE SO!!!!! lol