Who's logged in now?

Is there a way to tell who is online now. I know we can see who is in chat, but how about who is just browsing or updating showcases etc. Sort of like an instant messege if you see them online.
boardman's Avatar
The bottom of the main page shows all current active users.

If you are looking at a particular post the icon right next to the RTM button shows you are online if it is lit up. If you go to the persons profile that same icon appears next to the handle. If it is lit up they are online.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
That feature can also be toggled off if one opts to use the stealth-mode of browsing.



If you add users to your friends list it will show on the left side of the page which of your specific friends are online. no im feature, but you can pm them
I am lmaol..Muah
im logged in and hungry, cant decide whether to get Dennys or Ihop buhahah, anyone care to join