Trump surrendered to Taliban

VitaMan's Avatar
For days now, former President Donald Trump has tried to pin the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban squarely on his successor, President Joe Biden. But several top officials in his administration are calling out their former boss for trying to distance himself from a fire they believe he started.

Appearing on a podcast with Bari Weiss Wednesday, H.R. McMaster — Trump’s former national security adviser — laid blame squarely at the feet of Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for signing what he deems an ill-fated deal with the Taliban in February 2020.

“Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” McMaster said. “This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”
winn dixie's Avatar
The taliban were under control till joeys. fact

Back to the acme drawing boards
VitaMan's Avatar
Typical Trump playbook. Shift the blame, don't admit to anything.
If polls are bad, they are fake polls.
If polls are good, credit is taken.

Trump supporters know more than his former national security advisor ?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL! Biden reversed or attempted to reverse every action Trump took, but their colossal fuck up in Afghanistan is Trumps fault. Keep living in that fantasy world.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trump didn't "surrender" to the Taliban, that was left up to the Armed Forces of Afghanistan. What precipitated this epic failure of with drawl, something everybody wanted but by with drawl, I mean no more combat deaths of American soldiers and that was essentially done under Trump.

To the question of what would Trump had done differently, he might have taken the recommendation of his military leaders and kept the 2500 soldiers and Intelligence apparatus and Bagram Air Base until all Americans and qualified Afghans had been removed from the country but Biden chose a different path by removing the soldiers, closing the air base BEFORE removing all Americans an Afghan's. How much of a military strategist do you have to be to figure out the better solution on with drawl? Biden insists that Trump left him no choice. Trump had negotiated a deal that called for us to be out by May 1st. Were we out by May first? Nope. So Biden violated the Trump deal because the Taliban violated the Trump deal. Biden could have put the "new deal" in play that we stay until every American and qualified Afghan's are all out but BIDEN chose not to.

Those are the facts, make of them what you will. Biden said in an interview on ABC that no military person ever suggested to him that he leave the 2500 soldiers in country and keep Bagram Air Base. Wait, let me be precise here, Biden concluded with "that I remember". The former is true, he was told because people are speaking out that he was told but as we all know, the second part of his statement is probably true because he can't seem to remember shit about anything.

Naw, he lied just like he has lied about virtually everything he has done since taking office.

Everybody wanted out of Afghanistan. It didn't have to be the epic failure that Biden caused.

Remember just a few short months ago when Biden was enjoying the "warmth" of our European and NATO allies? Consider all that now gone. Our NATO allies are OUT LOUD accusing Biden of abandoning them without what they considered "necessary consultation. They to are saying OUT LOUD that this was an arbitrary position taken by Biden.

A member of British Parliament rose to the floor to chastise American for doing what they did and suggested that in the future, the European allies along with Japan and Australia ( he named them ) might want to consider making decisions in their own best interests and not merely "follow" the lead of America.

Yeah Joe, you were back, America was back but now even that short lived win is in the rear view mirror.

UK politicians decry Joe Biden’s defence of Afghanistan pullout

Keir Starmer leads criticism of US president’s approach, calling it a ‘catastrophic error of judgment’

Davey told the Guardian that the paralysis in Washington meant the UK should turn its attention to building a coalition in Europe prepared to take tougher action. He urged Johnson to convene a security summit with allies on the continent “to respond to this crisis” and stop Afghanistan becoming a “breeding ground” for the training of terrorists who carry out attacks in the west.

Senior Conservatives also rounded on Biden. Gavin Barwell, former chief of staff to Theresa May, said it was “time to wake up and smell the coffee” that Democrats and Republicans no longer believe “the US should be the world’s policeman”.

He added: “The lesson for Europeans is clear. Whoever is president, the US is unlikely to offer the same support that it used to in parts of the world where its vital interests are not involved. Europeans are going to have to develop the capability to intervene without US support. That’s not going to be cheap. And the EU and Britain are going to have to work out how to cooperate on this because we face the same threats.”

Tom Tugendhat, who chairs the foreign affairs select committee, said he was “extremely angry” at Biden’s criticism of Afghan soldiers, calling those troops “incredibly brave” and saying the US withdrew “like a thief in the night” with no proper handover.

The former Treasury minister Huw Merriman, who chairs the transport select committee, called Biden a “total blithering idiot” for blaming Afghan forces. “Makes me wonder if he is the Siamese twin of Donald Trump. Tony Blair left us with this mess and we did not try hard enough to clear it up,” he tweeted.

Another former minister, Simon Clarke, said it was the end of an American era. “The more you reflect, the more you realise the speech [Biden] gave last night was grotesque. An utter repudiation of the America so many of us have admired so deeply all our lives – the champion of liberty and democracy and the guardian of what’s right in the world,” he said.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Just like Nixon/Kissinger surrendered Vietnam, to save the 1972 election.

Trump surrendered, and cut a phony deal with the Taliban that was a failure from the start. The Taliban (like the NVA in 1972) was granted license to fully take over.

Biden failed in the execution of the withdrawal, but for Trump to crow like a Cock at the botched execution is absurd.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just like Nixon/Kissinger surrendered Vietnam, to save the 1972 election. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
And you get that from what?

from 1969 to 1972, the Gallup Poll asked on 20 separate occasions “Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Nixon is handling the situation in Vietnam?” Eighteen of the 20 times, more Americans said they approved than disapproved.

Nixon’s 14 speeches, and the countless other times he articulated his strategy in press conferences, interviews, and speeches around the country, won him the consistent support of the American people – the people he called “the great silent majority” – and were a key component to his historic landslide re-election in 1972.

What were you doing back then?

I suspect that he was elected in 1968, and Johnson knew he would be, because of his position on VN. He continued his position. Although you make it sound like you believe the U.S. could actually attain "victory" in VN, departing was leaving a conflict in which we should have never been involved in the first place. Eisenhower got us into it ... who was his VP? LBJ ending up lying to expand it.

The "interesting" fact is that LBJ when in the Senate was the swing vote to deny the French assistance with a low-yield atomic weapon to scorch the "locals" they had pinned down in a valley. That decision ended up biting LBJ in the ass. I would hope he thought about it. Nixon was aware of that fact.

Back to Trump .... your speculation is factless. Trump didn't "surrender" anything.
Chung Tran's Avatar
And you get that from what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
History, accounts of many observers, and reason.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 10:55 AM
Just like Nixon/Kissinger surrendered Vietnam, to save the 1972 election.

Trump surrendered, and cut a phony deal with the Taliban that was a failure from the start. The Taliban (like the NVA in 1972) was granted license to fully take over.

Biden failed in the execution of the withdrawal, but for Trump to crow like a Cock at the botched execution is absurd. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

TDS and Trump hatred, CT

When all else fails Communist DPSTs - it is the fallback - "Blame Trump"!!!

pathetic Commie DPSTs
Typical Trump playbook. Shift the blame, don't admit to anything.
If polls are bad, they are fake polls.
If polls are good, credit is taken.

Trump supporters know more than his former national security advisor ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
This has nothing to do with Trump. Terrorism was being managed quite well during the Trump administration. This is all on Biden, stick to reality for change. You sound like a conspiracy theorist.
VitaMan's Avatar
Nothing to do with Trump ? Check with his former national security advisor.
texassapper's Avatar
Just like Nixon/Kissinger surrendered Vietnam, to save the 1972 election.

Trump surrendered, and cut a phony deal with the Taliban that was a failure from the start. The Taliban (like the NVA in 1972) was granted license to fully take over.

Biden failed in the execution of the withdrawal, but for Trump to crow like a Cock at the botched execution is absurd. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So you're an advocate of the forever war? We should have just kept on keepin on?

Utter foolishness the spin everyone is trying to put on this. We went there to kill Bin Laden... that was done a decade ago...we should have left then. Trump arranged a deal for us to leave... Beijing Joey fcuked it up probably on the orders of his ChiCom paymasters... and you're trying to blame the guy who made the deal?


Only a moron would believe the Beijing Joey couldn't change ANYTHING... hell he was under no obligation to follow ANY agreement that Trump made because it isn't a formal treaty... Just like every other decision that Trump made and Joey reversed... Beijing Joey deserves 100% of the credit or blame...

To argue otherwise is simply partisan defense.

Chung Tran's Avatar
So you're an advocate of the forever war? We should have just kept on keepin on?
Originally Posted by texassapper
Of course not. I would have been out a Decade ago.
What makes you insinuate otherwise?
History, accounts of many observers, and reason. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Biden hasn't learned much from it in his fifty years in politics. Biden is nothing but a Third Stringer who got a break.
VitaMan's Avatar
Biden may not have learned much. Trump hasn't learned anything.