Snopes...Inaccurate but morally right!!

The left has given up on the truth and facts!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
snopes.... new fishwrap of fact checking

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Even if it is satire,
it's still false.
But that's a side point.
The funny part is a trumpy saying complaining, mentioning, or even bringing up a truth problem.
You were lying on a regular basis before the Russians put trump in the white house.
Now lying is basic base entitlement..

You stand under trump's "lie bag" and look up. There is one easily proven lie sticking out. And you tippy-toe away. Because you know that by pulling that one lie and admit it is a lie, you will be buried under thousands of other lies.
To me, it seems obvious that you believe any negative acts are justified because you project everything.
I don't have to prove that to over 65% of the people. BS away

The left has given up on the truth and facts!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Even if it is satire,
it's still false.
But that's a side point.
The funny part is a trumpy saying complaining, mentioning, or even bringing up a truth problem.
You were lying on a regular basis before the Russians put trump in the white house.
Now lying is basic base entitlement..

You stand under trump's "lie bag" and look up. There is one easily proven lie sticking out. And you tippy-toe away. Because you know that by pulling that one lie and admit it is a lie, you will be buried under thousands of other lies.
To me, it seems obvious that you believe any negative acts are justified because you project everything.
I don't have to prove that to over 65% of the people. BS away Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
All that and you said...NOTHING... you are great at obfuscation!!
What are you trying to justify here with double speak??
It's hard for you to defend...THE INDEFENSIBLE!!
This isn't satire...this is A SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS...
The lefts motto...don't look at the results of my actions but the thoughts of my intentions.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The lefts motto...don't look at the results of my actions but the thoughts of my intentions. Originally Posted by bb1961
They have another one too...

"It's not the nature of the evidence it's the seriousness of the charge."
I think ocasio-nocortex has been going around saying that too,

For Ocasio-Cortez, it’s not so much about facts but assumed morality: “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually and semantically correct than about being morally right,” she said in the interview.
  • oeb11
  • 01-24-2019, 08:14 AM
a morality seen through the lens of socialism-Totalitarianism.
The DPST hysteria over satiric criticism is clearly shown
When one cannot understand that an article as described is satire - the Hysterical DPST Left clearly shows their bent for lying. Snopes has abandoned it's neutral high morality ground in favor of DPST - "facts are secondary to our feelings"

Orwellian world - here we come!!!

The satirists at Babylon Bee are picking on Snopes again! In March, Snopes caused Babylon Bee to be punished by Facebook as "fake news" when Snopes decried them as "False" for a hilarious, obviously satirical piece headlined "CNN Purchases Industrial-Sized Washing Machine To Spin News Before Publication." The new article is a wicked take on the Left headlined "Snopes Introduces New 'Factually Inaccurate But Morally Right' Fact Check Result." It's to be used "for claims that aren't technically correct but are on the right side of history so we won't call them out for being entirely wrong."
Popular fact-checking site confirmed Wednesday they are debuting a new "Factually inaccurate but morally right" fact check result for claims they don't want to debunk because they coincide with Snopes editors' worldview....
"We were often running into situations were a truth claim was absolutely absurd, but it supported progressive causes," said one Snopes editor. "So sometimes we just called it a 'Mixture,' but then people might get the idea that our favorite politicians are being slightly dishonest sometimes."

DPST Snowflakes - what have you in response that isn't laughable???

rexdutchman's Avatar
DPST Snowflakes - what have you in response that isn't laughable???

Oh don't pick on the flakes , they will cry LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-24-2019, 09:07 AM
DPST Snowflakes - what have you in response that isn't laughable???

Oh don't pick on the flakes , they will cry LOL Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Have you ever called someone a snowflake to their face and had them fry.

Or is this jyst Internet projection on your part. They say it is easy to be a badass on the internet.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^ to answer your question YES, but your right I don't like doing it by keyboard , but if the shoe fits as they say .
Orwellian world - here we come!!!
themystic's Avatar
^ to answer your question YES, but your right I don't like doing it by keyboard , but if the shoe fits as they say .
Orwellian world - here we come!!! Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Rex here is General Trumps Battle Cry!