Roger Stone Does The "Perp Walk"........

The Mueller investigating team finally arrested dirty trickster Roger Stone for........lying.

Stone is a confirmed sleezbag. His occupation is being a sleezbag. Being a sleezbag is not against the law. Lying to Cogress or any Government Investigting Entity is a crime.

Another "process crime" in the Muller Teams ongoing investigation it trying to nullify the 2016 Presidential Election.

I think the aim is now is to keep this investigation going untill the 2020 Presidential Election. If they could not find anything linking the President with "Russian Coluusion", at least they can muddy up the political waters with stuff like........"the latest Bombshell says"........

Just fill in the blank. We are now in a world where anybody can make what ever assinign accusation they wish knowing the the MSM will get all wet between the legs and report it as fact. It's the way Journalism is practiced in today's world.
themystic's Avatar

The Mueller investigating team finally arrested dirty trickster Roger Stone for........lying.

Another "process crime" in the Muller Teams ongoing investigation it trying to nullify the 2016 Presidential Election.

I think the aim is now is to keep this investigation going untill the 2020 Presidential Election. If they could not find anything linking the President with "Russian Coluusion", at least they can muddy up the political waters with stuff like........"the latest Bombshell says"........

Just fill in the blank. We are now in a world where anybody can make what ever assinign accusation they wish knowing the the MSM will get all wet between the legs and report it as fact. It's the way Journalism is practiced in today's world. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie remember Trump promised to drain the Swamp? Mueller is draining it. I think Donald Jr is next.
Jackie remember Trump promised to drain the Swamp? Mueller is draining it. I think Donald Jr is next. Originally Posted by themystic
I have a feeling that the new Attorney General, in conjunction with Senator Lynsey Graham, are getting ready to go after Democrats. There are multitudes of people that need "investigating".

It seems all you have to do is get someone before a Committee, hound them into telling one lie, and bankrupt them with legal fees to fend off jail time.
  • Tiny
  • 01-25-2019, 06:38 AM
I have a feeling that the new Attorney General, in conjunction with Senator Lynsey Graham, are getting ready to go after Democrats. There are multitudes of people that need "investigating".

It seems all you have to do is get someone before a Committee, hound them into telling one lie, and bankrupt them with legal fees to fend off jail time. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This started with the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying about getting blow jobs. Now you've got Mueller blackmailing people to justify a weak case for collusion, Trump supporters who want to jail Hillary, etc. What's going to happen next? Are we going to become like some Banana Republic where every time someone loses power he has to go into exile or to jail?
Lapdog's Avatar
Trump's dominoes are really toppling over now. It won't be long he'll be out of dominoes. Sad.
I B Hankering's Avatar
For those who for some reason cannot read, the article says:

The indictment does not charge Stone with conspiring with WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy website that published the emails, or with the Russian officers Mueller says hacked them.
Trump's dominoes are really toppling over now. It won't be long he'll be out of dominoes. Sad. Originally Posted by Lapdog
No, they are not.

The biggest disappointment in our lifetime will be when the Mueller Investigation turns in it's report.

What he will show for the years and millions spent is a load of indictments for Foriegn Nationals who will never be held accountable, multitudes of "process crimes" against people who still haven't caught on to the idea that lying to Government Investigators is not a good idea, and a lame report saying that in the end, there is no evidence that President Trump did anything illegal in the 2016 Presidential Campain.

This is when Sen Graham will announce that a special prosecutor will be named to investigate the various crimes committed by Democrats in their zeal to see Hillary elected. Special attention will be paid to Hillaries tenure as Secretary State and the selling of influence through the Clinton Foundation.
bambino's Avatar
Jackie remember Trump promised to drain the Swamp? Mueller is draining it. I think Donald Jr is next. Originally Posted by themystic
None of Mueller indictments have anything to do with the swamp. Mueller is trying to protect the swamp. Because he’s a creature of the swamp. But he’s good at indicting people for lying. You don’t know your stuff.
None of Mueller indictments have anything to do with the swamp. Mueller is trying to protect the swamp. Because he’s a creature of the swamp. But he’s good at indicting people for lying. You don’t know your stuff. Originally Posted by bambino
TM not knowing his stuff...what you talkin' bout wills!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 08:32 AM
Are we going to become like some Banana Republic where every time someone loses power he has to go into exile or to jail? Originally Posted by Tiny
Yes...Trump and Flynn really highlighted our path to Banana Republic with that 'Lock her up' chant.

John McCain really had it right with transparent campaign laws. This is how you keep the rich and politically connected and foreign actors from influencing our country without our knowledge.

Look...if Putin wants to contribute to say Trumps campaign. ...fine by me , as long as we know about it real time. Then the voters can make up their mind.

Trump should have reported that campaign voter information was being made available to Russia and we as voters were going to start being targeted by Russians to influnce the election.

Make hiding it the illegal act...and have huge punishment for not being transparent.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Still no evidence of Russian "collusion", eh?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 08:43 AM
Still no evidence of Russian "collusion", eh? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Manafort gave Russian data and they targeted our social network to influence the election.

That is collusion.

Many of you do not understand how Moscow has weaponized the internet
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Still no evidence of Russian "collusion", eh? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
rexdutchman's Avatar
Still no evidence of Russian "collusion", eh? BUT:::: its from 2015/16 soooo what about the E-mails by dnc and billary OH yeah after being told by a judge not toooo she used Bleach Bit
So again one way look by the doj
the more they doo the more it looks like a witch hunt
remember this headline from a time when all was light and gay?

Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements To FBI