Liberals Can't Be Racists, Can They?

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The liberal's liberal, Woody Allen, is looking a little foolish, again...

"Woody Allen’s new play, “Bullets Over Broadway,” which opened on Thursday night in New York City, is getting some negative attention for featuring a nearly all-white cast, even though the play is about a famed Harlem hotspot.

Allen’s play only features one non-white cast member, who appears in the dance ensemble, according to the New York Daily News."
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-12-2014, 08:43 AM
Of course they can be, and many are. But then you knew that before you even posted.

But then again, you aren't talking about "a liberal", you are talking about Wordy Allen, a world class scumbag.
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Of course they can be, and many are. But then you knew that before you even posted.

But then again, you aren't talking about "a liberal", you are talking about Wordy Allen, a world class scumbag. Originally Posted by Old-T
Who but a liberal would want Obama to be a dictator?

"Accused pedophile Woody Allen once said that President Obama is “brilliant” and should have dictatorial powers so that Republicans can’t oppose his agenda.
“I am pleased with Obama. I think he’s brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him,” Allen said in 2010, 18 years after he was accused of telling Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter Dylan to lay on her stomach and play with her train set while he allegedly (prohibited topic) her, according to a New York Times open letter written by Dylan Farrow.
“[I]t would be good…if he could be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly,” said Allen, who was accused of routinely putting his thumb in (prohibited topic)."

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  • Old-T
  • 04-12-2014, 02:00 PM
What does that have to do with liberals being racist or not?
The liberal's liberal, Woody Allen, is looking a little foolish, again...

"Woody Allen’s new play, “Bullets Over Broadway,” which opened on Thursday night in New York City, is getting some negative attention for featuring a nearly all-white cast, even though the play is about a famed Harlem hotspot.

Allen’s play only features one non-white cast member, who appears in the dance ensemble, according to the New York Daily News." Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

I don't know why not. You right wingers don't want to be the only ones who are do you?
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I don't know why not. You right wingers don't want to be the only ones who are do you? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well, I guess you have conceded the point with a little jab on the way, but I will take it.
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What does that have to do with liberals being racist or not? Originally Posted by Old-T
I was showing proof that he was a liberal.
Ask one, any one. The answer is "no"... only other people are racists.
Maybe it is not because he is a liberal, but because he is Jewish. Just something for you to think about.
When you try to refer to Liberals as being racist you're setting yourself up for an argument Liberals can easily debunk. The Liberal mind set is actually more nefarious than racism. Liberal thought is based on two primary concepts, Oppressors and Victimhood. For example Heterosexuals are oppressors, Homosexuals are victims. Men are oppressors, women are victims, Wealthy People are oppressors, poor people the victims, Caucasians are oppressors, Minorities are the victims, ect.

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When you try to refer to Liberals as being racist you're setting yourself up for an argument Liberals can easily debunk. The Liberal mind set is actually more nefarious than racism. Liberal thought is based on two primary concepts, Oppressors and Victimhood. For example Heterosexuals are oppressors, Homosexuals are victims. Men are oppressors, women are victims, Wealthy People are oppressors, poor people the victims, Caucasians are oppressors, Minorities are the victims, ect.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Damn good point!
Racist Democrats then and now...

When you try to refer to Liberals as being racist you're setting yourself up for an argument Liberals can easily debunk. The Liberal mind set is actually more nefarious than racism. Liberal thought is based on two primary concepts, Oppressors and Victimhood. For example Heterosexuals are oppressors, Homosexuals are victims. Men are oppressors, women are victims, Wealthy People are oppressors, poor people the victims, Caucasians are oppressors, Minorities are the victims, ect.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Conservative or right wing thought is based on they are right and everyone else is wrong. Similar to their religion.
Conservative or right wing thought is based on they are right and everyone else is wrong. Similar to their religion. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
My post had nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong. It's about Oppressor and Victim. You just revealed that. By saying Conservatives think they are always right and everyone else ( Liberals) are always wrong. What your statement truly equates to is the Conservatives are the Oppressors and Liberals are the victims.

Conservative or right wing thought is based on they are right and everyone else is wrong. Similar to their religion. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Liberal thought is based on a "FEELING"...