Bullshit Dallas vs Green Bay

DarthDVader's Avatar
Dallas vs Green Bay ...

Bryant walked 2 steps with the ball in control before falling ...
That was a local call ...

Definitely BS. Two steps and a lunge for the goal line, knees on the ground, then the ball comes out.
slims099's Avatar
I think we lost fair and square... We need to score 30 to beat them and we knew that... We fumbled and all that... sucks.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Cowboys got out coached. Offensive calls ending the first half were misguided, and when do you not blitz an injured quarterback?
Cowboys got F'ed!!!
I think we lost fair and square... We need to score 30 to beat them and we knew that... We fumbled and all that... sucks. Originally Posted by slims099
Sad but true. The whole team played very good but not good enough.
If anything, the Murray fumble cost us the game. He could have made a touchdown if he could have held on to the ball.
It wasn't a catch Cowgirl fans...Dez falling to the ground like that isn't considered enough of a "Football Move" and he didn't "control the ball" once it hit the ground.

The ground can't cause a fumble, but it can cause an incomplete pass....think back to the Calvin Johnson reversed TD a couple of years ago.

One word....KARMA
cookie man's Avatar
If he hadn't of stretched for the end zone, he could have pulled it in securely. It's just in his nature to score. Threesteps and a dive to the end zone...not a football move?

Talk about coincidence, the same ref who made that call in the Calvin Johnson "catch" was the one who ruled on the Dez "catch".
Russ38's Avatar
I call bullshit on the reversal too but it is what it is....Cowboys still had a good season so hats off to them....
I don't get how he had control and made a football move for the end zone was ruled not a football move...

Maybe he got to fancy, as Romo on the bench was telling him he could have pressed it on his helmet.

But Troy called it at the beginning when he said this was NOT an all star officiating crew...

At least we lost to a classy team, the lions are still trash.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Cowboys got fucked haha well I bet thats the same thing the Lions said when they got fucked as well.

This is the NFL - We not perfect but chuck it up to the Game.
Go Broncos
Count again. He actually took 3 steps. I'll guarantee you that the refs only looked at the replay from the point where he hit the ground.
While I wouldn't go as far as betting the family farm on it, I'd wager a rather hefty sum had the score been flipped (Green Bay down to Da Boys, 26-21) and the great Aaron Rodgers makes that throw (same down and distance, time on the clock, too) while Jordy Nelson makes an identical "jumping out of the stadium" catch......well let's just say my bet is the home town team is setting up shop on the Cowboy's 1 - 2 yard line with First and Goal. It was a homer call all the way IMO.

The NFL Rules Committee has made it so we don't even know what constitutes a catch anymore. It's a shame such an amazing act of athleticism becomes nothing more than a "what if"in the footnotes.

...........That was a local call ....BULLSHIT !!! Originally Posted by DarthDVader
pyramider's Avatar
Nice makeup call ... I loved it. Now its going to be a good week plus. Damn, I miss Randy Galloway.
Go Broncos Originally Posted by macbeth1000
How about those Broncos? They lose to the same team that the Cowboys beat 42-7 a few weeks ago! But that is why they play the games.

I think Dallas got fucked by the refs against the Packers, but that is the way it goes, especially since they let the entire game basically come down to that play. The boys played great against a team that scores 40+ points a game at home. All in all, they had a great year and lets see if they can keep their play makers (Murray and Bryant) this off season.