Winn Dixie--stay or go

Lhoppy's Avatar

Go away
Treetop78759's Avatar
Stay. I kinda like the fella after he held his own against Mata.

Good job.
Whispers's Avatar
he has been a contributing member here for a lot more years than lhoppy with either of the handles he/she uses.

I think WD's sticking around.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Either handle?

Whispers's Avatar
just sayin.....
Lhoppy's Avatar
He's/she/you--who exactly are you referring to..I thought WD was a new poster

Do you know something different?
Treetop78759's Avatar
He's/she/you--who exactly are you referring to..I thought WD was a new poster

Do you know something different? Originally Posted by Lhoppy