Now that's messed up

carkido45's Avatar
The man lost his job and he didn't even do anything wrong.
Super Head 713's Avatar
life is messed up period lol
Smoke2nd's Avatar
The court of public opinion is offten powerful.
There is no justice in the justice system.
He has a wrongful termination lawsuit pending against the University. They will likely settle now that he has been acquired. He might be wealthier. Especially if the case goes to trial. Juries like to write checks with other people's checkbooks.
DaChef's Avatar
I'd like to know how he got off. That is the real story, how did the lawyer plead his case on what to do, and what did the police say.
notanewbie's Avatar
I'd like to know how he got off. That is the real story, Originally Posted by DaChef
I think they busted him before he could.
From BR home to the Jags.... It could happen to anyone, too bad they had to make such a display of it. Feel bad for the guy.
Randall Creed's Avatar
They say he didn't say anything to the undercover cop playing hooker.

Seems to me that they were determined to make the arrest, regardless of what else happens. What a crock of shit.

This is what's so frustrating about these vice operations. They just want the fucking arrest. Do they even give a shit if the parties involved are actually guilty. This is all a game, on the taxpayer's dime.