Full Moon?

I don't know, maybe it is just me. Does anyone else here seem to notice the percentage of borderline hostile posts here lately?

There just seems to be a lot of unrest for lack of a better word. Ladies are on edge, gentlemen are well, not quite so gentlemanly.

Of course there are STILL some voices of reason around but I'm just talking in general. It's not in any one particular area either...it's here and there in many different forums.

Okay, maybe "hostile" is a harsh word but I think you know what I mean. I am thinking that if we could get some sunshine and maybe warmer temperatures things would "chill out".

I just hope that ANYONE here that may be stressing can step back, take some deep breaths and find some inner peace. Let's all play nice together, okay?

Just trying to spread some love...
tim_theenchanter's Avatar
Not the topic I thought it was going to be...

I lurk a lot, and yes, there DOES seem to be hostility, but I just out it off to people being stressed about economic stuff, or maybe flexing their internet muscles.

Now...back to the topic I was thinking you were talking about...
Feel free to moon me any time. Now THAT could could cause happy thoughts and sunshine.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I agree with tim and I think it is a sign of the times. The more people feel the pressure from the economy, the more some people become frustrated and express it in myriad of ways to include hostility.
KazaNova's Avatar
VN, I was thinking the same thing Im just chillin, enjoying the happy forums, avoiding the negativity forums.
Thank you V....I needed that hug! Kisses gorgeous, Lace
Lana Warren's Avatar
I stewed just about all night about this very subject! I am very ashamed and embarrassed on how these people are behaving!

This behavior is called, "Triangling"! When someone has an issue with another person, THAT person should address the other person, and that person ONLY! If the the problem cannot be solved, then other parties should step in and try to correct the issue!

But NOOOOOO.......everybody and their fucking dogs have to step in and voice their opinions in a matter that is none of their business!

This type of behavior only makes that person look AND act like a total ASS!

It's time for everyone to step up to the plate.........WHORES, act like ladies and JOHNS, act like gentlemen!

I'm just here to get a BBBJ that'll make my eyes cross....
I'm just glad that it isn't just me being overly sensitive! LOL!

As far as the economy and life stress or WHATEVER the reasons be...I'm NOT buying it!

This board is here for us all to share information and talk about our fantasies and stuff, right? I don't know about anyone else but I don't fantasize about bickering and name calling and such! I come on here to have some fun, get some laughs and get to know folks!

Maybe there should be yet another section titled the Bitch and Moan section! Ya think? Then anyone having a bad day could go there, write their little hearts out and get on with things! Hmmm...maybe I'm on to something!

I just wish folks (boys AND girls) would just be a little happier. More massages would help that, you know!

tim, I will moon you any time you like!

lace, kisses right back at YOU gorgeous!

Lana, you are RIGHT ON SPOT!

And last but CERTAINLY not least, geek, come over here and I'll fix you right up!
I've noticed a lot of TENSION lately on the boards. I don't want this to become an unhappy place. I think we all need to remember that you should have the same respect and decency in a post to someone or about someone that you would if you were to say the same things to their face. A lot of people can sit behind a computer and sound tough, or like a bitch, or sometimes their typed words can be completely misunderstood.

Why can't we all just get along???

Life is too short, let's all PLAY NICE!!!
This is the best hobby in the world, let's not ruin it
Chevalier's Avatar
Let's all play nice together, okay? Originally Posted by vnurse
That's easy for you to say. You're not a Curmudgeon (trademark pending).

Just kidding. And good luck with changing the atmosphere. I'll try to restrain my inner Curmudgeon.
I just read some comments on a review that really weren't called for. It seems there are some folks are just talking trash and nothing is being done to curb their behavior. I thought this was supposed to be the "kinder, nicer" board. Hostile Ads, review comments and posts in general, wow. Where are the mods?
I know what you mean, Dharma! THAT is a lot of what I am talking about...just nasty stuff! I have thought about the RTM feature but I don't really think that is appropriate and I hate to bog them down with (what is actually petty) stuff that is annoying to me.

I am truly hoping this is a phase and it all will pass in time.

I KNOW that this place started out as a nicer, gentler board but it sure has been crazy lately!

This is me taking some deep breaths and chanting OHMMMMM, OHMMMMM. I suggest the same for others...

Chevalier, you aren't REALLY a curmudgeon, are you?
Yep. It was bound to happen with the collapse of ASPD and the mass exodus that happened thereafter. I always thought that ECCIE would pick up the most users from the collapse due to the fact that the group that started this site were well known on ASPD and the fact that ECCIE looks and feels so much like ASPD (without the glitches!).

That said, it's not up to the moderators to clean up the trainwrecks - it's up to the community.

A few common sense things we can do that no one seems to pay attention to:

1. Don't Feed The Trolls - Just ignore the flaming posts. This phrase is used over and over again, but just look at which posts get the most views/responses.

2. Think 5 Times, Post Once - How many times do we see posts that were written in the heat of the moment. Man, it makes all the difference in the world if you just sleep on it.

3. Take It To PM's - Problem with someone? Take it to PM's instead of enlightening the entire community in regards to the issue you have with ONE person.

4. Ladies, Do You Really Need To Respond? - I know it can't be fun seeing a negative review, but sometimes the best response is no response at all. If you feel like you absolutely, positively have to respond, keep it civil and please just state the facts - you'll come out looking classy in the end. I have a feeling that more than one wonderful gals have been put on the 'do not see' list by guys due to the fact that they posted in anger and came across looking like 'drama queens'.

Just a few obvious tips, but it seems they get overlooked way too often. If we want this board to be a kinder, more group hug kind of place then it's up to the community to do it.
St.Mateo's Avatar
V Any time you get lots of people together theres gonna be stupid rude stuff said. Some just to stir the pot other times who in the hell knows why. I just focus as best as I can on the good vibes and let the riff raff destroy itself. Ignore button is a very nice feature lol
You're right. The mods must be pretty bogged down with so many new users. I'll just let it roll off and leave it alone. I suppose it's a balance of a sort. We have more nice people and only a few ass-clowns.