How Can 1 to 1.5 Percent Cut In The Increase Be This Bad?

I am sitting here watching Hardball with Chris Mathews, and he just had his "unkindness cut of all" segment. In other words, how the Sequester is so brutal.

Good lord, to her him and his guest say it, Cancer Research has ground to a halt, old people are starving, the entire Country is getting ready to grind to a halt. All because there was a cut in just 1.5 percent of, get this, not the budget, but the increase of the budget.

It's bullshit like this, and the President's continuing pandering and demagoguery that makes a mockery of the intelligence of the American People.

To Mathew's credit, he does voice a growing concern over just what will happen in Syria if, and when, Assad is deposed. It seems most of the so called "'freedom fighters" are not the kind of guys you would want to be living next door. You trade a murdering dictator for murdering religious zealots.
Over the last few years, many companies, businesses and organizations had to cut back. If their CEOs and managers had this attitude towards the customers of their services and did not try to make the minuscule cuts as unobtrusive as possible, those executives would be out on their asses immediately.

Some people require so little from "Dear Leader."
Over the last few years, many companies, businesses and organizations had to cut back. If their CEOs and managers had this attitude towards the customers of their services and did not try to make the minuscule cuts as unobtrusive as possible, those executives would be out on their asses immediately.

Some people require so little from "Dear Leader." Originally Posted by gnadfly

They didn't cut back on bonus and golden parachutes just on the workers.
I guess the government gives a shit about the American worker with the money its printing.
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I am sitting here watching Hardball with Chris Mathews, Originally Posted by Jackie S
GOOD GOD, MAN! Are you ok? Please call 911! Watching Mathews can cause brain damage!
I'm watching "See no Evil/Kermit Gosnell" on FOX. Mathews would be a breath of fresh air. This shit is SICK!
They needed the total increase for obamacare and free cell phones. Since they won't or can't cut back on obamacare the cuts have to come from other programs like medicare and rx programs for the elderly who paid into the program for 30 years.