how to get my showcase back in my account reactivated that I can post

how to get my showcase back in my account reactivated that I can post

I was not online for a few months and I am now unable to add or post and im limited to what I can do on the site
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-11-2014, 11:29 AM
If a provider who was verified has been away rom the site for more than 90 days she will lose her Verified Provider status. Just contact the Staff in your area and they can help you get it back.
If a provider who was verified has been away rom the site for more than 90 days she will lose her Verified Provider status. Just contact the Staff in your area and they can help you get it back. Originally Posted by Mokoa
ive contacted the site more than twice with no response... i am in san ant. now.
do you know if there is anyone I can contact directly like a mod ?
thanks alot for your help
The following are mods for your area you can contact directly by pm. I'd suggest send a pm to all 3.

CryptKicker, Wallance, 27west

Email the administrators at the address below.

Let them know that you are a verified provider that requires your status back. I assume that you lost your status due to inactivity. They will be able to confirm this...

Unless you lost your verified provider status due to guideline breaking or loss of trust. In that case, good luck.
inspector farquar's Avatar
It's like dejavu, all over again.