
Whispers's Avatar
You can't deal with Trolls any more than you can deal with most other pests.....

Roaches for example..... How do you get rid of roaches? Does running around trying to squash each and every one ever solve the problem?



Because the environment continues to breed them....

You have to clean it all out thoroughly and make sure you don't set out any more of what they feed on.

It's the same here in CoEd......

What do the Trolls feed on?

Some say they attack EVERY woman that posts..... That is not the case.... many women post and their contribution is received positively by those you label trolls.....

DO you want a troll free CoEd?

- Shut down the extremely obvious threADS - EVERYONE should be perturbed when a seasoned visiting provider asks in Coed for recommendations of where to stay or what to do.... Regular female posters should be as annoyed with this as others are. More of a "community" effort to dissuade those posts would clean things up. When was the last time you saw a local provider tell a visiting provider "Honey you have been here 6 times and always stay in the same trashy place catering to the same low class clientele...."

- The FOs & OIOs need to drastically reduce their attention seeking and repetitive topics. There are a handful of whores that use CoEd to try to boost their failing businesses. Their business is failing for the same reason their threADs draw negativity.... Everyone is tired of their desperation.....

- Don't accept or encourage white knighting of providers when issues relating to their business practices are brought to light. Ladies? Do you want some respect where you perceive there is none? Take control and stand up for yourself in a thread and tell your WKs to shut the fuck up and you will handle what is your business. Then defend your position in a professional manner.
You can't deal with Whispers any more than you can deal with most other pests.....

Whispers for example..... How do you get rid of Whispers? Does running around trying to squash him ever solve the problem?



Because the environment continues to breed Whispers....

You have to clean him out thoroughly and make sure you don't set out any more of what Whispers feeds on.

It's the same here in CoEd......

What does Whispers feed on?

Some say Whispers attacks EVERY woman that posts..... That is not the case.... many women post and their contribution is received positively by those Whispers labels trolls.....

DO you want a Whispers free CoEd?

- Shut down the extremely obvious threADS - Whispers is perturbed when a seasoned visiting provider asks in Coed for recommendations of where to stay or what to do.... Whispers should be as annoyed with this as others are. More of a "community" effort to dissuade Whispers would clean things up. When was the last time you saw Whispers tell a visiting provider "Honey, you're a beautiful woman and I'd love to spend some time with you...?"

- Whispers needs to drastically reduce his attention seeking and repetitive topics. There are a handful of narcissistic jackwagons that use CoEd to try to boost their self esteem. Their self worth is failing for the same reason their threADs draw negativity.... Everyone is tired of Whispers.....

- Don't accept or encourage white knighting of Whispers when issues relating to lack of ethics are brought to light. Ladies? Do you want some respect where you perceive there is Whispers? Take control of Whispers in a thread and tell him shut the fuck up and you will handle what is your business. Then defend your position in a professional manner.

You can't deal with Trolls any more than you can deal with most other pests.....

Roaches for example..... How do you get rid of roaches? Does running around trying to squash each and every one ever solve the problem?



Because the environment continues to breed them....

You have to clean it all out thoroughly and make sure you don't set out any more of what they feed on.

It's the same here in CoEd......

What do the Trolls feed on?

Some say they attack EVERY woman that posts..... That is not the case.... many women post and their contribution is received positively by those you label trolls.....

DO you want a troll free CoEd?

- Shut down the extremely obvious threADS - EVERYONE should be perturbed when a seasoned visiting provider asks in Coed for recommendations of where to stay or what to do.... Regular female posters should be as annoyed with this as others are. More of a "community" effort to dissuade those posts would clean things up. When was the last time you saw a local provider tell a visiting provider "Honey you have been here 6 times and always stay in the same trashy place catering to the same low class clientele...."

- The FOs & OIOs need to drastically reduce their attention seeking and repetitive topics. There are a handful of whores that use CoEd to try to boost their failing businesses. Their business is failing for the same reason their threADs draw negativity.... Everyone is tired of their desperation.....

- Don't accept or encourage white knighting of providers when issues relating to their business practices are brought to light. Ladies? Do you want some respect where you perceive there is none? Take control and stand up for yourself in a thread and tell your WKs to shut the fuck up and you will handle what is your business. Then defend your position in a professional manner. Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
nuglet's Avatar
Well, if anyone knows about how/where/when troll roam, WHISPERS would know.. The good news is that at his age, and in his condition, it's becoming a shorter and shorter run. Whispers>.... Gather all your friends , both of them, and have a drink together to toast your impending official notice of your lack of importance or relevance here. Some will miss ya, most won't.. they won't care and neither will you.. Some fade away, some just crawl off into a dark corner.. bye bye
Has anyone noticed treetops fall to the dark side? Just last week he was the biggest wk ever. Now he's being fucking brutal to these kc bitches.

What happened? Did he find out he was whispers trick baby?
Nugget, change your Sig line, it makes you look creepy!
nuglet's Avatar
Nugget, change your Sig line, it makes you look creepy! Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Why bubba? You gettin' tired of having to explain your interest in things that most avoid? Or maybe, perhaps, you fall in one of the groups I included, care to explain? It's ok son. Perhaps you can buy the first round at Whimpies departure party. He'll appreciate that.
Why bubba? You gettin' tired of having to explain your interest in things that most avoid? Or maybe, perhaps, you fall in one of the groups I included, care to explain? It's ok son. Perhaps you can buy the first round at Whimpies departure party. He'll appreciate that. Originally Posted by nuglet

Just think having a Sig line with " little girls" is creepy. I think I know your intent but it still looks bad. Really don't think your a creeper for what its worth.
Still Looking's Avatar
You can't deal with Whispers any more than you can deal with most other pests.....

Whispers for example..... How do you get rid of Whispers? Does running around trying to squash him ever solve the problem?



Because the environment continues to breed Whispers....

You have to clean him out thoroughly and make sure you don't set out any more of what Whispers feeds on.

It's the same here in CoEd......

What does Whispers feed on?

Some say Whispers attacks EVERY woman that posts..... That is not the case.... many women post and their contribution is received positively by those Whispers labels trolls.....

DO you want a Whispers free CoEd?

- Shut down the extremely obvious threADS - Whispers is perturbed when a seasoned visiting provider asks in Coed for recommendations of where to stay or what to do.... Whispers should be as annoyed with this as others are. More of a "community" effort to dissuade Whispers would clean things up. When was the last time you saw Whispers tell a visiting provider "Honey, you're a beautiful woman and I'd love to spend some time with you...?"

- Whispers needs to drastically reduce his attention seeking and repetitive topics. There are a handful of narcissistic jackwagons that use CoEd to try to boost their self esteem. Their self worth is failing for the same reason their threADs draw negativity.... Everyone is tired of Whispers.....

- Don't accept or encourage white knighting of Whispers when issues relating to lack of ethics are brought to light. Ladies? Do you want some respect where you perceive there is Whispers? Take control of Whispers in a thread and tell him shut the fuck up and you will handle what is your business. Then defend your position in a professional manner.

Originally Posted by FGarvin

To go on top of the hypocrite faux "concern for the community" turd post Whispers just served up.

And of course like any post the Grand Poobah of All Things Pusswah puts up,overnight there will be a shit ton of "views".
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Hi whimpy,I havr to say this because its appropriate to say- you are truly a big fat hypocrite. Hopefully once you can admit this then you can help change Austin coed back to what it should and needs to be. It is true that there needs to be a healthy criticism and testrone on the boards. What we have right now is a shovenic,and brutal bullying. I call BULLSHIT and enough said.

(Yes there are a few missed spelled words but deal with it for once people)

Still on a much needed personal vacation, but when I come back hold on to your horses people.

P.s. my personal vacation had nothing to do with the polls or the hobby. Hell I didn't even know about the latest poll for days.This was totally about me. Thanks
phaedrus's Avatar
I would far rather read threADs than what 90% of the guys have to say in coed. In my opinion, the longest posts are almost always worthless.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-05-2017, 09:11 AM
Some of you just do NOT understand!

The OP is trying to educate you. Listen carefully and you will be enlightened:

--ANY post my a lady that he, or SL (or their homies) take exception to is--by definition--and ad. Just ask them, they will tell you which are which.

--By contrast, NO post by W, SL, etc., is in any way intended to promote (i.e. "be an ad for") their philosophy.

The hypocrite meter is the most apt picture posted on here in a long time.
My new self defense weapon.......
Little Monster's Avatar
My new self defense weapon....... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Why would you use that on your own kind?