Why does the gop hate teachers and cops?

The teachers educate people. The Gop dont want educated people because they don't vote Republican. Just look at Texas as a prime example lol n omg n wtf.

Cops prevented a take over of the government by some really really stupid Republicans. So stupid that they filmed themself's committing crimes lol n omg n wtf. Typical Republican thinking though...or...not thinking so very well as always smfh. The crimes the gop are trying to sweep under the rug again and again and again. Stupid trumpy huggers lol n omg n wtf. You just can't fix stupid dah

Yes I do say and know so dah
winn dixie's Avatar
Thread marked as spam
Nice defense of gop. Oh I forgot that their corruption has no defense lol n omg n wtf

Yes I do say so dah and waiting on a stupid defense on why the gop hate teachers and cops.trumpy loved watching the cops get assaulted for four fucking hours that define his corrupt one term

I'm going back to my real life now. You peeps just keep talking amongst yourselfs 😆
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thread marked as spam Originally Posted by winn dixie
Bump to give the gop supporters another chance to defend the gop. Or, maybe by not commenting they realize that there is no defense??? Dah Lol n omg n wtf

Yes I do say so and know so dah

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
As Senator Bulworth said, "there ain't no educatin' goin' on in here". Funny how the teacher's unions are huge democrat supporters and yet they can't open up a classroom in blue states.

My theory is that the dems are sharing from the same tainted stash of acid. They all seem to be sayin' the same thing and it makes no sense.
LexusLover's Avatar
What is the "gop"? Another misspelled word? The Dumbocrats are struggling to turn out another generation of uneducated fools it seems. The good thing is they will not be readily identifiable from a distance, because they will have on masks, which will be helpful in burning down government buildings so they won't choke on the insulation smoke from the fire. "Tsmokies"...hmmmm!
Another bump lol n omg n wtf.

Even though I know that the stupid can't defend the stupid. Maybe cut n paste another thing stupid
Btw ll. If they do something stupid, encouraged by Biden lol, maybe the dems will film theirselfs lol. But just remember that they are not stupid traitors like the gop idiots that use social media as a stupid stick 👌 lol n omg n wtf

too funny