Don't get me wrong, I highly respect the extremely few escorts here that keep they body in good condition; But what I'm getting at is that sometimes when u do see a new attractive girl on an ad here, its for a bogus ass hookup site that doesn't have real girls; Another problem is that this state is full of girls who don't have a good upkeep of their body; The problem with this is that guys who donate to women like this are giving the women the impression that the women can just let their bodies fall off tremendously and still make money
If you're gonna be a real man and compromise with the modern day culture of breaking bread (donating money) at least break bread with a girl who is making an effort to keep her body in an attractive shape; There's a difference between a BBW and a out of shape girl and there's a difference between a slender girl and a sloppy looking girl; There's no way a desperate guy can honestly tell me that his dreams are being fulfilled by a girl who doesn't maintain a good body and he paid $100 or $200 for
With me, its not all about a woman's face because a face can't be controlled but a body shape can be controlled; And yes, I keep my body in good shape because I want a escort to enjoy her session with me as well