Has anyone tried acupuncture?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Considering giving it a try but would appreciate some opinions.

WalkerTx's Avatar
Yep, I did about 10 years ago. I've always thought that it was just a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but I was having bad neck pain. I could hardly move it side to side.

I went to a woman that worked out of her house in University Park. Don't have any contact info, but the next day, I felt 100% better.

Now, YMMV, but it worked for me. Fortunately, I haven't needed it since.
rtrdengr's Avatar
I have some friends that have had really good experiences. It seems to all depend on who's providing the treatments.
Acupuncture is amazing. Sometimes all you need is one treatment, but sometimes you only need a few and the effects can last for years until you need it again. I have an acupuncturist in my family. I highly recommend it.
txexetoo's Avatar
You need to get someone reputable and knows what they are doing. My brother has a friend who is a nurse. She said it’s not uncommon for the ends of the needles to break off
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I’m thinking of trying too for my neck and shoulder pain due to these heavy boobies, maybe we can go together
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-24-2018, 11:54 AM
Considering giving it a try but would appreciate some opinions.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
If you're wanting this because of pains, I have a friend that had major back pains, he said it was the worst thing he ever felt, he tried everything until he found the right chiropractor which he describes as him saving his life for curing him. He said he's a little Mexican guy lol
billw1032's Avatar
I've always been on the side that it is a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but I know people who absolutely swear by it. One friend says it has really helped her shoulder pain. I had it once when I got sick in China and went to the local hospital outpatient clinic. The doctor ordered several things and honestly I didn't understand what he sent me for. You would think, of all places, they would know what they're doing there, but it did absolutely nothing for me. On the other hand I think what I really had was a respiratory infection and resulting fever, which is probably not the most appropriate thing to use acupuncture for. So I guess my conclusion would be to find a reputable practitioner and make sure it's appropriate for your condition.
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
Yes, on myself to relieve neck & shoulder pain (from staring at computers all day), and various ailments (pulled Achilles tendon, etc). the benefits for me were more blood flow, faster healing, and an overall relaxing feeling.

My Mother swears by Acupuncture, she is severely arthritic, and Acu has helped her tremendously with less pain, and one year...may have saved her feet from being amputated, by increasing blood flow. her feet were nearly black & blue from lack of blood flow, 6-8 months later, pink and healthy.

Having given such positive reviews, I also admit the BEST benefits come from a combination of Acupuncture, Massage, Physical Therapy, and Chiropractic adjustments for me, and of course.....good overall health, fitness, eating habits.

As others mentioned, I know a great one in the Lewisville/Carrollton area, PM me if anyone needs a referral to him.
I’ve had it done on my feet. I have Morton’s Neuroma. I did 5 treatments and it did nothing.
  • oeb11
  • 10-25-2018, 09:11 AM
OP- there is much allopathic and osteopathic medicine does not know. Acupuncure is an ancient art poorly understood in the West. How much the effect is placebo v genuine benefit to the patient is unclear.
Not recommended for treatment of cancer or other serious medical issues.
May have benefit for musculoskeletal pain.
Acupuncturists are licensed by the State Board of Acupuncture - under the State Medical Board.
Be sure you see a licensed acupuncturist - sterility and cleanliness is paramount.
Carefully check the establishment for license and sterility. Re-using needles is prohibited.
Acupuncture may benefit symptoms - however, please consider a careful evaluation for the underlying cause of your pain.
Wish you well
MT Pockets's Avatar
I have a few times. I was pretty skeptical, but have to say I am now a believer. I do not think it is a cure all and it may not be for everyone but I suggest trying it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You need to get someone reputable and knows what they are doing. My brother has a friend who is a nurse. She said it’s not uncommon for the ends of the needles to break off Originally Posted by txexetoo
Well, this is scary. After reading your post yesterday, and thanks for the input, there are a LOT of people who have issues with the tip of the needle being left in the skin.

It would be my luck for something like this to happen. Makes me lean towards not going ... but honestly, I do wish to try it.

I’m thinking of trying too for my neck and shoulder pain due to these heavy boobies, maybe we can go together Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
That would be great!

I have a few times. I was pretty skeptical, but have to say I am now a believer. I do not think it is a cure all and it may not be for everyone but I suggest trying it. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
I've thought about it for decades here and there. Seriously considering it although I do know that it's not a cure-all.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
OP- there is much allopathic and osteopathic medicine does not know. Acupuncure is an ancient art poorly understood in the West. How much the effect is placebo v genuine benefit to the patient is unclear.
Not recommended for treatment of cancer or other serious medical issues.
May have benefit for musculoskeletal pain.
Acupuncturists are licensed by the State Board of Acupuncture - under the State Medical Board.
Be sure you see a licensed acupuncturist - sterility and cleanliness is paramount.
Carefully check the establishment for license and sterility. Re-using needles is prohibited.
Acupuncture may benefit symptoms - however, please consider a careful evaluation for the underlying cause of your pain.
Wish you well
oeb11 Originally Posted by oeb11
Oh, I've been to a specialist. After x-rays and blood work, he told me that I needed to lose weight (duh!) and take Motrin.

Not a lot of help.

So I've been trying to do stretches and am looking at other options. Have also considered chiropractic assistance and did that a few times in the distant past, but not that thrilled about the idea of "adjustments."

Again ... thanks for all of the input!!!

Warmest regards,
Meatman69's Avatar
How deep do the needles go.
I have several operations with local and the affter affects of the needles can last for months