This biz

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Okay so my daughter told me she was going to go interview for a escort agency (she knows what I do), thank god I was able to talk her out of it. She has no idea what this life is like and would never be able to handle it. She wanted to do it for the "easy money"... She didn't understand we all pay a price for the "easy money".... I love what I do, but I think it would destroy her. She had a different life than I and couldn't handle it.

So what do you guys think if your daughter, sister, granddaughter came to you and said "hey dad, mom I want to be an escort. How would feel, what would you say???
DallasRain's Avatar
I would tell them the good & bad and then have them make a desicion based on what trumps out

I feel for ya!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Yep .... break down the good. great, bad, and worse and leave it up to them (of my experiences, others and all the outcomes). Not everyone is built for this. I've known of someone who quit almost as fast as she started (2 days).
I don't have kids, but I'd tell whoever a big HELL NO.

I adore my clients, I enjoy what I do, but I wouldn't want this life for any of my nieces.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-13-2014, 09:17 PM
This isn't really helpful, but I'm so thankful I only have boys.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
This isn't really helpful, but I'm so thankful I only have boys. Originally Posted by LNK
I love you LNK. You made me laugh.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 04-13-2014, 10:51 PM
This isn't really helpful, but I'm so thankful I only have boys. Originally Posted by LNK
Uh... That's a different website
I would say the best thing to do is point out all of the negative things and the hard work that goes in behind the scenes. After all, the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence, then when you get there, you find out it tastes the same.
Just to be fair, there is no job that doesn't have pros and cons - even being retired. You owe it to your kids to do your research and discuss the pros and cons of every job they are considering. I am not trying to minimize the down side of your profession, milady, what I am trying to say every job has has its dark sides and we should care for and love our children enough to point them out. I have three sons and none of them have served in the military - I did 27 years there.
strawberrycar934's Avatar
I agree with Old Guy. Heck even being Presdient for Wyclef would be a challenge -

I think that the biggest challenge is the legality of this hobby. A few years ago, I would not advocate selling marijuana for anyone. Now that it is legal, I would suggest that whoever is interested move.
ILuvNips's Avatar
Tough talk to have. Its natural to keep our kids out of dangerous situations and I think most parents would do all they can to steer them clear of it.
The few escorts that I have been privileged to get to know well on a personal level admitted this was NOT what they had in mind for their life and felt 'stuck' but not necessarily 'trapped' in the life. Momentum can be a strong influence. I have a relative who was in the business at one time. I would recommend a daughter discuss it with her.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
So...She's single then? ;D
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
So...She's single then? ;D Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
No, well yes. Getting a divorce. Hands off...
DallasRain's Avatar
My daughter knows what I do {she is 26} and has since she was a teenager.she is cool with it even though she says she would NEVER do it herself.She is a waitress at a bistro by my house which happens to be where we had a ladies luncheon last week.She said it was so cool to see the ladies I am associated with and realizes that we are all just normal gals trying to get the most out of our lifes and are happy doing what we do.