I love this kind of news.

CG2014's Avatar
He got shot in the face and he still lived?

He is lucky.

I would had shot him again just to make sure he was dead.

Save the taxpayers a lot of $.



Don't mess with a mom and her babies!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup if more people defended themselves , this shit would stop / or there would be less bad guys
Oh hell yes CG....that was a time to kill not wound. She was very classy in her interviews though.
CG2014's Avatar
To steal a car is bad enough.

But to steal a car with innocent defenseless children inside it is beyond (I am thinking of the correct word, help me out here).

He deserves to be put down like the gutter dog he is.

This is not the first time someone stole a car with children inside it.

But it's the first time that I have heard a parent was able to catch up to their vehicle before the thief drove it away, then retaliate and shoot the criminal.

We need more happy endings like this.
mikehammer002001's Avatar
He got what he deserved, HOWEVER I raised several kids and never left them in the cat alone nor with the fucking keys in the car.
CG2014's Avatar
How do you stuff several kids in a cat?

I feel sorry for the poor cat.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
He got what he deserved, HOWEVER I raised several kids and never left them in the cat alone nor with the fucking keys in the car. Originally Posted by mikehammer002001
That was my first thought. She left her two and four-year-old in the car, in the middle of summer, at 10 PM and the bad part of town, in an unlocked car, alone (however briefly.)

She made a horrible judgment call that could have cost her children and her car. People have been arrested for less.

Defending what’s hers, and then protecting her children, that’s great. Have no problem with that. If she had her kids with her, and had locked the car, shouldn’t of even happened.

Important thing is the children are all right, she’s OK, the criminal was arrested.
mtabsw's Avatar
"So what did you feel when you shot this unarmed good boy in the head?"

..."a little recoil"
CG2014's Avatar
"So what did you feel when you shot this unarmed good boy in the head?" Originally Posted by mtabsw
Let Jimmy tell you: