Whitney Houston

laoilman's Avatar
Veronica posted a vid of her face in one of the post. I am a big Whitney fan and love her music but I have to say the Ole Girl is looking rough. I watched a couple of clips of her concert in Australia and it was horrible. Her voice is shot and she seems out of breath, she would just quit singing in the middle of a song. I would think a professional performer would get herself in better physical condition before going on tour. I just think the life of drugs has taken it's toll on her and done permanent damage. It was a big deal in the media that she's smoking and giving that kind of performance. I would want my money back if I were there but before seeing the clips would have certainly have gone to see her if she were to tour in the US. Had a friend in Atlanta that was a friend of hers, we burried her last year from an overdose. It's a shame that such a talent has let drugs and poor life decisions ruin her career and probably her life. I was glad she was trying to get her life back together but don't think she is going to be physically able to continue to be a professional entertainer. I can only wish her the best of luck.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-05-2010, 12:18 AM
I never was a huge fan of hers.... but I have to admit.... I still get goose bumps when I remember her singing the National Anthem before one of the Superbowls.... can't remember the year.... but she nailed it like it's never been done before..... and probably not since!!

You're right..... it's a damned shame to let a voice like that go to Hell !!
And.... I can't blame Bobby....she was a big girl.... she didn't need to follow him into Hell...

pornodave69's Avatar
I saw her at the Dome in '87 with my girlfriend at the time who was a big fan. I wasn't a big fan, but she was very good and I enjoyed it well enough considering. Now, all I can think of is Kathy Griffin doing her Whitney impersonation yelling out "Bobbaaay." She screwed up and will probably never get back to where she was, vocally or professionally.
That's what meth will do to a person....sad. She was an icon of her time back in the day.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Whitney is all about that crack, man.
causewaycommuter's Avatar
In the immortal of Whitney Houston...