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What's happening this weekend for the Superbowl n Dallas. All drinks on you lol
Post some pictures of yourselves and maybe you'll get some responses.
matchingmole's Avatar
What's happening this weekend for the Superbowl n Dallas. All drinks on you lol Originally Posted by Winter

Word on the street is that the Packers and Steelers are playing.
shorty's Avatar
If u want to see what I look like u can message me. I'm too cute to have my pics plastered all over the www
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Welcome to ECCIE and to "another realm". We always love to see new folks here. Also, please remember this forum is for discussion of alternative activities and some level of kink.

Although asking about the game is fine, we don't allow advertising in this section.

I'm leaving the post open for now and hopefully it can remain playful.

Word on the street is that the Packers and Steelers are playing. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Real word on the street is that both teams went back home where it's warmer!?!?!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This topic isn't going anywhere.

