
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I wanted to get some feedback on others opinions of barter. I know sometimes "hobby funds" get low. But some of us ladies need help with other things. Such as landscaping and other things that some might have access to ,or would rather barter a few sessions in exchange of doing the labor.

What are your thoughts?
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 07-09-2014, 06:43 PM
I've never really seen it work out too well.

On a side note I'm a damn good cook.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I don't need a cook. I joined boot camp and they put me on a STRICT diet :-(

Oatmeal, eggwhites, salmon, and more greens than I could stand ugh!

Back on topic.

I have an acre of land in Brazoria County. I am needing help with some of the land clearing . I need fill dirt and a few other things. I am willing to barter.
I wanted to get some feedback on others opinions of barter. I know sometimes "hobby funds" get low. But some of us ladies need help with other things. Such as landscaping and other things that some might have access to ,or would rather barter a few sessions in exchange of doing the labor.

What are your thoughts? Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
It's a good idea if you can pull it off. For me though there's just no earthly way I'm getting out there and cutting grass, landscaping, or anything that has to do with physical work. I barely have enough energy to consistently work out so physical labor bartering just won't work for me.
Russ38's Avatar
So your needing a Back"hoe"?.....

Sorry Beau.....couldn't be helped.....Lol
Beau Derierre's Avatar
So your needing a Back"hoe"?.....

Sorry Beau.....couldn't be helped.....Lol Originally Posted by Russ38
Russ you are too cute! You would look even better on a backhoe :innocent :
Russ you are too cute! You would look even better on a backhoe :innocent : Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
That he would, fucking sexy in work boots!!! Russ will make your pussy wet for sure
boardman's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in Co-ed?
It's a good idea in theory, and if handled well, it can be a great idea in practice. What really needs to happen is that both parties should meet somewhere - coffee shop or somewhere - and discuss rates / terms / pricing and see if some amicable agreement on dollar value could be met. Obviously, be discrete, but the terms should be settled in a business meeting face to face. In terms of barter, I would say once work is completed to agreed terms, then the Provider can make arrangements in her schedule to see the person who provided the work for "barter pay-out." Doing it in any other way - shooting emails back and forth and text messaging ideas and pics of the DIY job - simply won't work.

Treat it like a real business meeting, with terms and conditions, and you will have a better time of it than just some kooky series of private messages and emails. If neither party can invest an hour to discuss everything at a coffee shop, then neither party (in my opinion) is serious about the barter.
I've never seen it work out very well. Who goes first? does the hookup(s) happen first, and then the landscaping or whatever it is? Or does the landscaping need to be done before the hookups happen? Someone is going to have to trust the other person to make the deal good. In my experience hoes can't be trusted, and I know by reading on here and talking to the ladies, there are a lot of fucktards that can't be trusted. Pay for play at the same time is the best way this business works.
I've never seen it work out very well. Who goes first? does the hookup(s) happen first, and then the landscaping or whatever it is? Or does the landscaping need to be done before the hookups happen? Someone is going to have to trust the other person to make the deal good. In my experience hoes can't be trusted, and I know by reading on here and talking to the ladies, there are a lot of fucktards that can't be trusted. Pay for play at the same time is the best way this business works. Originally Posted by eros1970
I agree that many cannot cross the trust bridge, which is why I said, if neither can meet for a bit in a non-hotel / non-private setting and hash it out, then it simply should not happen.
Well speculation can end... The OP tapped out.
Sounds good to me.
IMO bartering never works out well.
Personally i would hire someone who
is a professional in the field you're looking in
and go w/them.
I've never done a barter and from
what i've heard you as the provider always
end up
giving up more than what the client gives up for
his half.
Keep this world separate and far away from your RW business. Don't do it!!!!
I am in the auto repair/performance industry and have been offered several times for free services in exchange for vehicle repair.

Sorry, a blow job isn't going to pay for your $2500 blown head gaskets.