Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders - Is there nothing to which Jerry Jones won't stoop?

Got an extra $7000 laying around?

How would you like to blow it on a short (3 day) vacation in Mexico? The kind you would normally spend about $3000 on?

But, oh, you get to watch Cowboy cheerleaders shoot a swimsuit calendar.


You don't get a BJ or anything. You just get to meet a few of them. Just like you could in Dallas for free at a bunch of different events.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Jerry Jones will never change he's all about the Benjamins-smh
Randy4Candy's Avatar
No, there isn't. Next question.
And, I bet there will be idiots lined up out the door ready to shell out the 7 large.

Did you read his comments from last weekend about how a porous offensive line isn't a problem since Romo is so mobile? The guy defies belief sometimes.