casey.taylor6969 is a liar

this is gojo65, and I have never or ever would I rape or force myself on any woman. I sent casey a pm and she sent me her number, she asked me if I wanted to see her, I sai yes, but I asked her if she understood what I was looking for. she said yes. I am a diabetic with high blood pressure so I cannot feel anything with a condom. so I try to find 1 girl that will work with me, I know its not safe but I do get tested every 4 months, and when I find 1 girl that can work with me, I see her only. casey said she understood this. that being said I did not even fuck her, no penetration at all. now I spent 2 hours trying to find a hotel room because casey said she had no i.d., after starting in plano, going to dallas, and then back to plano we finally met. our session started with a lot of daty, enough for her to "o" a couple times. then I thought we were going to have sex, that's when casey said she never told me that she would, I did explain my medical [problems again and asked her if she wanted to look at my papers, and I did explain that I had very few partners that I had seen that way. but that's when everything else she said was a lie. from that point, I asked her if she was still ok seeing me and that I hope I did not scare her, she said I did not scare her and we could continue. so I asked if we could do stripper slide, she said yes, which was the worst stripper slide I ever did receive, she did this for a few minutes and I started "fiv" until she came again. so I went down for daty again until she came again. so I layed down beside her and we had some small talk, now this all took about 45min. so I asked her if she could finish bbbj, which she does offer. she told me my hour was up, I thought she was kidding me, until she got up, I asked her a few more times jokingly, and she said we were done, hour was up. which it wasn,t, but I did not realize that till I had already left. now back to what she said about making up for all the time that we spent looking for a hotel room, and she did say that, so I reminded her of that hoping I could at least get a bbbj and a hj, at that point she got upset and said she did not say any of that, and that was it, now I do have a very grouchy voice, and I do come off as sounding mean, she said I was yelling at her, at this point I was also getting dressed, I told her that I was not yelling at her and if I was she would know it, and I did say that she is the first girl I have ever seen that did not finish me off, even if it was a "hj". well she kept telling me not to be that way, that what she was doing was normal, my hour was up, she did not tell me she would make the time up to me, at this point I had finished getting dressed and was getting my keys and such. she started telling me over and over that I was a cool guy and not to go away mad, well I was ready to leave, and then she asked to look at my papers, I gave them to her, but she did not look at them, she just kept on repeating the same thing over and over again, I just wanted to list this in my mind as a bad experience, and leave. I gave her the gift and asked her if she wanted to stay in the room, she told me yes, she did not have any place to go, so I gave her the room key and I left. never once did I fuck her, or rape her, or harm her in any way. I think she just went on eccie because she thought I was going to give her a bad review. now if I had raped her, all she had to do was call the police, and they could of got my credit card and drivers license info from the front desk, because I payed for the room.

I know this is long, but I am very pissed that anyone can come on here I post a bunch of lies, and no one even trys to verify any of it. know me and casey have had a past, about 2 months ago I was going to see her, and she told me to go to a hotel, well I waited for over 45min, and no casey, I finally reached her and she said not that hotel, but another, well I hauled ass to that hotel and never seen or heard from her. I sent her a text that I was going to give her a bad review for dragging me along, well she sent me a text back saying that she was close friends with the administrater of eccie and she would get me kicked off. then the next day she texted me and gave me a story about her mother was going to die. well I fell for it and she agreed to give me a discount to make up for it. later that week I call her abd we agree on a time, and she said she would get a hotel and call me, never happened, her excuse the next day was she had car trouble. well over the next week she text me again asking what I am doing a couple of times, that we should get together, but she never gave a time or place, then the next week she text me and asked if I wanted to see her again, but this time she needed money bad to give to her lawyer or she was going to jail, I told her then I only had $150 cash on me, and she said she would go ahead and see me because she needed money, well I waited for over 2 hours and never heard back from her. at this point I sent her a text and told her she has a lot of problems and a girl as pretty as her should have no problem getting new clients. and that was that. then this last Friday I saw she had more reviews and figured she got her crap together, and she agreed to see me for a discounted rate for all the past problems. well you know how that went. this girl has a lot of issues, and it pisses me off that everyone is giving poor, poor, casey all this sympathy when all she is a liar, and a fraud. now she is smoking hot, and she did go to jail for awhile, she told me, from what ever trouble she was in last time she asked me for money. I hope this clears everything up, and hopefully some of the other guys who have had problems with her will come forward. because my mother taught me better than to disrespect any woman that way. and also the girls I did reviews on did not allow me bbfs either, my session with them ended with bbbj and hj, and they told me this when I met them,and there was no kind of trouble. the girls in the past I never did reviews on them out of respect to them, and they, all 9 of them have either retired or moved. thank you for your time
I am not sure what really happened since I wasn't there, but I can say that you're a very patient person.
thank you, but I want to see the outrage everyone had for me, and apply towards her, because she should not be able to get away with screwing around with someones reputation
Well placed paragraph breaks can be your friend.....
NearHauteRed's Avatar
I understand if a provider accuses a hobbyist of rape (or anything else that would damage a rep), he is going to rebuke her, and vice versa. No one should the speculate on this "encounter" because no one knows the truth but the two parties involved. I would say that if gojo65 gets accused of the same thing by a different provider there MAY be some validity there or casey.taylor6969 puts out an alert on another hobbyist about being raped by him, she MAY be doing this out of spite as a vendetta against a hobbyist for whatever reason.

Gojo65: Too bad ALL the providers you have seen cannot vouch for you since they have moved away or retired as you way, that would make you susceptible to a situation such as this since no one but you can attest to what you are saying is true and what she is saying is false, only speculative views will be offered.
Chung Tran's Avatar
your account certainly has the ring of truth... but I gotta say... I see these back-and-forth's a lot on this forum, and the allegations usually heat up after a history of drama and negative issues... it's like a symbiotic sickness between both parties.

why do guys keep coming back to the providers they have trouble with? do you guys want to be the one that "turns them around"? you are so attracted, that you can't walk away? I'm dumbfounded..
ManSlut's Avatar
To the OP,

I'm just glad you 'made it out alive' !!
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
yo gojo, i had wondered if u would react to her claim. i do not know what happened. i read your post. are u saying that u can only do bbfs? are u saying she had agreed to do it but then backed out? What papers are u talking about? what do the papers concern?
yo gojo, i had wondered if u would react to her claim. i do not know what happened. i read your post. are u saying that u can only do bbfs? are u saying she had agreed to do it but then backed out? What papers are u talking about? what do the papers concern? Originally Posted by General Feuerbacher
She did agree and she did back out, but we were still on good terms at that point . We were to finish with a normal gfe session, but she refused to finish. And for the last time, i did not threaten her in any way nor did i lay a hand on her or rape her. I do not do any of those thing to any women period. I was raised never ever to harm any girl. I am really getting tired of explaining this, in casey taylor6969 i went into detail explaining the who session from start to finish. She is a nut, a flake, and 100% a liar. She did what she intended to do. Ruin my reputation before i could write a bad review on her. I did not even know she wrote it till monday morning while i was in san antonio. Because i do not go on eccie every day, and i very rarely post anything on the boards. Mainly because i am a idiot and do not know how.
Texas_Seeker's Avatar
Ok, I'm not going to comment in the rape accusation. But I do have a concern. Specifically, you state that you can't feel anything with a condom because you're diabetic and have high blood pressure.

If that statement is true, you need to go to the doctor right now. You have a case of neuropathy that is killing you.

I am a Type 2 diabetic. A take more than 120 units of insulin a day, in addition to 2000 mg of Metformin, to maintain an average glucose rating of 245. Yes, I said 245. I'm highly insulin resistant.

I take two different medications for high blood pressure. Metroprolol and Hydrochlorothiazide. Both in high doses.

And let's not talk about weight. I weigh in the 280 range. And that's after losing 100 pounds.

I've never had a problem feeling.enough to get off while wearing a condom.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
good advice Texas Seeker. however,i do not have high blood pressure or diabetes and sometimes with a condom i have trouble finishing. i thank u for your imput and i find your health situation interesting. back to Gojo;man u may need to give up what you are seeking. i have found a good massage with a good hj to be very good and much more available than bbfs. i do not seek bbfs and i think no one on this board should do it because of health risks. if u have a SO then do bbfs with them. some guys on here only seek massage and hj
TrailBlazer's Avatar
I don't feel jackshit with a condom and I'm in my mid 40's and healthy. That's why a great BBBJ reigns SUPREME!!!!!
omakase's Avatar
Not sure what you gain by telling us how awesome your BCD skills are.

Just state the facts. Plain and simple. And exclude all the "she said" hearsay.
I don't feel anything with a condom either (never have even when I was a much younger man) and I'm approaching 60. So, as others have noted, BBBJ rocks....

That said, I think it's dangerous to be seeking BBFS within the hobby world though no matter how often you get YOURSELF checked out and have the med papers to prove it. How convinced are you that a 20-something year old stripper / provider was checked recently, also? If she's had money issues for car, legal fees, etc it's not likely she's getting herself medically checked out at the end of each month so you or her b/f can enjoy her sans condom.....

Time to think about what's next if you decide to continue hobbying, friend. Asking a provider for BBFS seems a little Deer Hunter-ish to me......
TexTushHog's Avatar
Well placed paragraph breaks can be your friend..... Originally Posted by SD2011
Not to mention a bit of signposting.