Providers and gifts: Amazon Wish Lists?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Despite my big head maintaining that clients getting gifts for providers is a case of gifts flowing the wrong way, the little head is wresting control away, and I'm already starting to make Christmas plans (and birthday plans for one lady who has hers in January).

I've seen porn stars on their model agencies' pages put up links to their Amazon Wish Lists, but I can't recall ever seeing a provider with a link to one. I can't speak for everyone obviously, but I'd rather buy a gift for someone who means something to me personally than someone who's just an image on a screen.

I'm pretty sure you can set up an Amazon profile using a handle -- see the aforementioned porn stars, for example. The more difficult angle might be delivery. But there are ways to work around that: by having things delivered to you at work, for example, or to another address that's safe.

Anyway, it's sure be more helpful to have a list of stuff I know she'd like than to work off of the short list in her profile.

Duke of G's Avatar
While it's good at first glance, there are security concerns if someone was determined to find out RL info about the person.

Delivery addresses are just not secure enough, and even PO Boxes and the like can prove problematic.

If there is a level of trust, sure it can work. But if privacy is paramount, it seems to risky.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Deliver during a session. As duke said, I think mailing would be a no no.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Okay, I'll bite: What security concerns? She sets up an Amazon account and screen name, and it's possible to so so without revealing any RL info. Assume for purposes of this thread that you can have it delivered to a safe location, with the intent of delivering it during a session. What are the security concerns?

The fact that no providers responded suggests either that it's something they haven't thought of or something they have concerns (hopefully unfounded) about, or that they don't shop at Amazon.

I'm sure many have immense stores of perfume and lingerie. I think it's be nice to be able to find some other things they might like.
melannie_star's Avatar
Victoria Secret offers gift E- Cards you can purchase online... Which can be sent to her email. She then can use gift amount to do online shopping
No personal info necessary. Safe and Fun way to gift!!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-20-2013, 10:16 PM
I have an amazon list. You* can view it, but you cannot buy and ship anything to me. I refuse to add an address. Yeah, I know they have "private" ways but...I would say it is too easy for a girl to slip up. The net is a hard place to navigate sometimes.

Just email her an amazon gift certificate code for the amount you want, and tell her to you would like to take XXX and X and Y, off her list ...specifically.

Works for me. I turn around and buy the item from wherever from my actual RL account then remove it from my hobby one.

Side note - amazon has a browser add on, that will put any item on the net (any site other than amzn) onto an amazon wishlist. The downside is you cannot buy and ship from amazon site. You will have to go to the 3rd party site. But, it allows a girl to collect all kinds of things in one location.