Worst Excuse Ever, But True

I had planned, in advance, a meeting with a lady whom I have seen a couple of times. Each time is better than the last. She gets me, I think. We exchanged PMs, texts, etc making sure everything was ready. Big night ahead for me. I was stoked.

Checked into the hotel knowing I had forgotten my razor. Got one from the front desk. CHEAP ASS RAZOR. I must have cut myself in about 7 places while shaving. Not little nicks. Cuts. I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I couldn't stop the bleeding.

Thirty minutes prior to meeting and I was still bleeding. Couldn't stop it. I looked awful. I had to cancel. No way around it. Tried to reschedule for later but she had plans. All my fault.

So now, bleeding finally stopped, I sit in my room thinking about what might have been.

Worst excuse ever.


Kinda funny--if it hadn't happened to me.
LMAO, same thing happened to me a few weeks ago but on my leg. I'm a trooper though, had no first aid kit at incall so I just used a hand towel as a tourniquet and fucked my way through the pain, you wuss.

Sorry, that really does suck.

You could have did the same and tied a towel around your face and played a game of naked Zorro.
badlamb24's Avatar
Yes it happened to me once. I was shaving beard before appointment, suddenly I whirl my razor at tip of my nose which took off very small portion of skin but kept bleeding for 2 hours. I just had tissue paper to handle bleeding. Sucks but it was true DAMET!!!
Now that I think about it, she probably would have preferred it if I had just put a bag over my head. Improve my looks. Why didn't I think of that. Coulda been kinky!!!!!
I had to cancel an appt a few months back because I got a little carried away with the manscaping and it looked like someone had shot me in the nether region the next day. So, I feel your pain.
LMAO, same thing happened to me a few weeks ago but on my leg. I'm a trooper though, had no first aid kit at incall so I just used a hand towel as a tourniquet and fucked my way through the pain, you wuss.

Sorry, that really does suck.

You could have did the same and tied a towel around your face and played a game of naked Zorro. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ

Now that I think about it, she probably would have preferred it if I had just put a bag over my head. Improve my looks. Why didn't I think of that. Coulda been kinky!!!!! Originally Posted by barneyrubble
Cut yourself shaving your face??? Geez, I thought you were talking about...your...uh....(ahem).
Sleepy363's Avatar
Cut yourself shaving your face??? Geez, I thought you were talking about...your...uh....(ahem). Originally Posted by Prolongus
That's what I thought too!! Guess we have dirty minds (not that that's a bad thing.)

Barney, your temporary name is BarneyStubble.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i had one guy cancel on me because he says the barber cut him and he needed to go to the hospital... was wasnt sure if he was lying or not... LOL
Oh that sucks, I wonder did she believe you....giggling.

Perhaps next time let the lady shave you, that would be kinda of sexy. Keep some clippers on you next time. Beautiful half naked woman shaving your face, can't get that at the barber....just saying.

Im with the others, I thought you were talking about your man parts...whoops
domeindfdub's Avatar
I am with you brother. Same thing happened to me with a cheap ass razor given to me by the hotel.

Felt pretty stupid, but bleeding wouldn't stop for hours. F$%^ing Bin Laden....if not for him, we still could take our good razors on the plane.
Iaintliein's Avatar
At least it was your face. I had to cancel on Sweet Petite Jen once because I nicked "something else" while shaving (probably the last time I'll do that.
Barney Stubble. Good one. Made me laugh out loud.

It wouldn't have mattered if I let the lady shave me or not. The blade was the equivalent of the edge of a soup can lid. I could have used more care, but it was unavoidable. Every time I pass by a mirror today I shreek at how bad I still look.
Ahhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I can't stop giggling.