Longermonger's Avatar
Apparently you can't type the word 'chemicals' without getting a warning. On ECCIE the context and meaning of the word is arbitrarily decided by the mod, not the author. What are some of the forbidden words that you've written on ECCIE that were either censored or that you received a warning for posting?

I want a list.
dirty dog's Avatar
Apparently you can't type the word 'chemicals' without getting a warning. On ECCIE the context and meaning of the word is arbitrarily decided by the mod, not the author. What are some of the forbidden words that you've written on ECCIE that were either censored or that you received a warning for posting?

I want a list. Originally Posted by Longermonger
Green Tea
Longer, you will be shocked to hear this, but you should count yourself lucky. Let me explain why.

Some mods go straight to the points without giving the warning. In other words, you're a lucky bastard and I am jealous of you!!!!

You are correct, context and meaning of words are arbitrarily decided by the mod, not the author. For clarification, as author of the word bastard stated above, I mean it in a way putting emphasis on my jealousy towards Longer, nothing more nothing less.

I guess the question I have is: are moderators supposed to give warnings before points?

Or is that also determined by the mood of the mod? I joined this site and on day ten, bam! Points. And then ignored by the moderator who gave them to me after messaging him privately. That sucked. Patience is a virtue?

At least you got the warning Longer. We should compare pages of infractions. What's your yellow to red count?
Sweetwilliam's Avatar
Longer and Surprise, nobody is forcing you to be a member of this site. If you want to be, great, you just have to play by the rules. I understand that the definition of the rules may be open to interpretation. But Longer, if you use chemicals in the place of illicit drugs, you screwed up. Surprise, if you reveal information that was meant to be private, then you screwed up. Now the ball is in your court. Do you want to play by the rules (as currently interpreted) or move on?
Where I used to work, we communicated through IRC. I was banned from using these words:

Uma Thurman

I'll let you draw your own conclusions
any kind of tea

those ll get ya banned is good to see ya posting friend!

MEGA CHEERS, the sipping is mighty, might fine!
Snuffleupugas should be banned and those over the age of 18 who use this word should be executed
I think "minesweeper" should be removed from the forbidden list! It has been around since the days of Board Saavy, at least 11 years that I know about!

We have had several male members of our community hold the title over that period of time and we wholeheartedly thank those who "volunteer" for dangerous duty on our behalf!

I tip my hat to them!
shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, Fart, turd, twat, poop, genuflect (just because it sounds dirty), flagellate, tallywhacker.

Oh, and the word "No" should definitely be considered for the list given the hobby we are talking about
ElumEno's Avatar
And anything with T in it....

thx sins... you really don't know how much I needed that laugh today.
KCQuestor's Avatar
shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
George Carlin would be proud.
love2fishfork's Avatar
I told a joke about sheep and got a warning!
wow! I never knew this! now I am really afraid to post! I guess there is no way to have an actual list like sins of the flesh gave. good memory from that great Carlin skit by the way!
some of the others? I don't even know what they mean! I am fine playing by the rules.....I would just like to know what they are
So with all these "Banned words" how does anyone post anything. I guess we all need one of the "Get A Clue" head slapps.