Tattoos on Girls: Sexy, Sordid, Slutty, or Silly?

ShysterJon's Avatar
As many of you know, the past few days there's been a debate waged in Dallas and in Austin on whether it's appropriate to single out a member here and criticize his or her appearance:

"It's become cool to be a dick behind a computer screen. Dallas, this is enough. Calling the old guard.."

"The Tramp Stamp Violence Thread"

Many of the comments posted in these threads were expressions of the poster's views on tattoos. But as I wrote in the Austin thread, I didn't think the debate was really about tattoos. I thought it was about manners, and I thought the guy who started the thread in Austin was ill-mannered because he showed the reader a photo of a specific provider's tattoo and then criticized her for having it. Nevertheless, much of the debate centered on tattoos.

Since tattoos on girls seems to be a hot topic here, I thought I'd briefly outline my views. Feel free to add your own. Visual aids are always nice. I'd love for some of our sisters here to show us their bodyart. As I write below, whatever makes a girl feel sexy is A-Okay with me.

Are tattoos on girls sexy, sordid, slutty, or silly?

I'm 52 years old and I've lived in Texas all my life. No one I grew up with got a tattoo. My generation associated tattoos with sailors, bikers, and other groups of "them" -- you know, "those other people," not us.

As I've grown older, my interest in the softer sex has remained somewhat frozen in time because I prefer to play with girls 18 to 25 years old. About 15 years ago it reached the point where girls in that age group more likely than not would have one or more tattoos. Now that nearly all my sexual experiences are with sugar babies, I can recall only one in the past 10 years not having at least one tattoo. One of my SBs was even a bona fide Suicide Girl.

I don't have a tattoo and I'll admit I don't fully understand why a person would get one. Most of the ones I see I don't care for at all. Getting the face of your kid, a friend, your SO, someone dead (yikes!), or even yourself (YEE-ikes!) inked on your body seems kinda creepy to me. Chinese characters? WTF!? Long quotations? Double WTF!?

I don't understand how a girl expresses her individuality by getting the same tattoo of a butterfly that I've seen on hundreds of girls. Haha. And tramp stamps? Why would a girl want to be stamped as a tramp? A few times I've given my SB allowance to pay bills and the next time I see her she has a fresh tattoo but the bills weren't paid. Haha.

But I'll also say this: I never have thought a girl wasn't attractive BECAUSE of a tattoo. I might have thought she was pretty DESPITE a tattoo. But as I have grown up (a little) maturity-wise as the decades have passed, I've come to understand that tattoos on my SBs make them sexier because THEY feel sexier. When my SB feels sexier, she's happier, and she shows me in oh so many nice ways that she's happy. So I guess, in a nutty, roundabout way, I've become a fan of tattoos. I like them because I like the girl the tattoo is on.

(btw, each of the girls below LOVE me to post pics of them anywhere I can, the 'net whores. Haha.)

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Jules Jaguar's Avatar
very well said, thanks for the tasteful way you gave your views!
LazurusLong's Avatar
There is also the issue of whether the tat is art or a BRAND by a pimp.

Girls, if your man loves you so much that he wants you to put that nasty scribbled name someplace on your body, let him go first and ink his neck or body with YOUR name.

There are way too many pimp tats/brands being plastered on the naive girls who are turned out by the pimps and that is one way for many guys to choose to simply move to the next new provider.

IF you want to get words on your body, make sure your guy with the ink gun knows how to spell!!! Total FAIL when he can't spell the words or you don't know it because YOU don't know how to spell either.

One thing a provider will never know is how many guys that new tattoo she is so proud of just turned away.

Be like everyone else, get a tattoo. Of the same thing all your friends did or what you saw on TV.

Remember when Pamela Anderson had the barbed wire around her arm that was all the rage? Not so much these days now huh?

If I were in college, I'd be working towards a degree to remove tattoos. I have already seen a HUGE billboard heading north from downtown Dallas up 75 for Dr. Tattoff. LOL

Art is one thing. A drunk guy with a tattoo machine is another.

There. I fixed if for SJ.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
You had me cheering until the paragraph that started, "But I'll also say this ...." I could have written every word until then. In fact, I've used that "individuality" line, or something similar to it, many times.

Over the years, I have learned to accept the fact that if I'm gonna get laid, I'll have to tolerate body ink. But I don't like it, and, given my druthers, I'd just as soon not encounter it.

I think it has to do with two things. First, I've never seen a woman that I'd want to spend some quality time with made more attractive by a tattoo. I've never thought to myself, "You know, she'd be damn near perfect if she just had a Klingon battle weapon tattooed on her ass." Conversely, a tattoo can distract me from enjoying the appearance of someone I would otherwise find really attractive.

The third reason, I think, is the "them" mentality. I'm going to draw flak for this, but here goes: Like SJ, I associate tattoos with a type of person that's of a different social background. It's bad enough that I can't coax a woman to spend some time with me unless I pay her, but paying to spend time with one of "those other people" (SJ's words, used because I can't think of anything better right now) only reinforces the notion. I'd rather spend my time and money with someone who's capable of maintaining the illusion that she could be from my civilian world; generally, tattoos destroy that illusion.

Logically, I know that there are many women out there who are wonderful companions, and I've spent time with more than one (including an ATF) who had some ink. But when it comes to the little head, logic doesn't always prevail.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Laz, good buddy, only you would post pics of dudes with tattoos in a thread about girls with tattoos. Maybe it's an after-effect of that unfortunate incident you had a few years ago with what you thought was a female provider. Haha.

Thanks, Jules. But surely you won't deny us a nice pic of one of your lovely skin impressions?
Chevalier's Avatar
For the most part, I don't care for them. The reason? Dunno; it's floating around my subconscious somewhere. I'm older than SJ and grew up in rural/very small town Midwest, rather than Texas; that may contribute to my perspective. I honestly don't know where the feeling comes from. But for whatever reason, to me the lady's unadorned skin is usually more attractive than any tattoo would be and a tattoo usually detracts from her appearance.

There are some exceptions. In some cases, tattoos about which I'm just neutral -- neither negative nor positive feelings. In a few cases, tattoos that I even like. It may be, in part, that those tattoos are smaller or more stylish. But I suspect mostly it's that I'm particularly fond of the lady wearing the tattoo. But that's after I get to know the lady. When I'm first considering seeing a lady, or perhaps the first time I see her? A tattoo is not a positive factor in my evaluation, although it won't necessarily dissuade me from scheduling with her. In most cases, the effect of a tattoo is relatively minor compared to other factors.

SJ raises the point that tattoos might affect those other factors. Do they? *shrug* I don't know.

But if ladies want to get tattoos, hell, have at it. Some guys like that, and there may be more of them than there are guys like me. Not every restaurant serves the kinds of food I enjoy either, but I'm not offended by those that don't. They'll still find plenty of other customers/clients, just like the ladies who love tattoos.


No, I take back that tolerant response above. Fuck the civility police. You know, I really don't like Mediterranean food. I'd never pick one of those restaurants if it were up to me. Indian, Thai, Ethiopian, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, seafood, steak -- great. But those damned Mediterranean restaurants! WTF is that???? Seriously??? Why couldn't they prepare some other kind of food??? They make me want to puke!

(I'd cut and paste a picture of a Mediterrean restaurant here, but I don't have time. Could someone else do that for me, just to emphasize my point? Thank you.)
Love suicide girls, tastefully tatted girls, biker girls, and girls with no tattoos at all! My 2 cents...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
are there any guys out there that go for the provider that is the total opposite of the so? i have been accused more than once of "thinking like a man" i am bi sexual and i LOVE WOMEN, if i was a guy in the hobby i would want to see a variety of providers i like women of all races and hair colors. if i was a guy who was married i would want to see someone who is different than what i have at home. mind you these are MY personal thoughts.

Times ARE changing and yes it is becoming harder and harder to find anyone without some type of ink. My teenage niece and nephew are covered and my advice to them was dont do it. I got my first tattoo at 13! I had some pretty silly amateur tattoos before i was even 18 and yes if i could go back i would not have any because i didnt put much thought into my tattoos.

For a few years I debated if i would have them removed or fixed/covered up. I even went to see a dr for a consult. I decided that i wanted to have them fixed instead of removed. Removal is a hell of a lot more painful, takes up to a year and still leaves a scar.

I just started getting my "old ink" fixed. i have thought about what i am getting for at least 2 years. All of my tattoos have a personal meaning to me, even the now infamous flower tat that by the way is still not finished. I have found some of the best artist in the country to fix my tattoos and i am spending a pretty nice chunk of change for it.

I feel that my generation has different outlooks on tattoos that previous ones and that is perfectly understandable. Age difference has a lot to do with this subject. The bottom line is I have not always been a provider i wasnt grooming myself for this as a teenager. It is what it is and yes tattoos are forever. it does not change who i am on the inside or how i conduct myself business wise. Anyone who knows me personally can tell you a am just as sweet of a girl as one without tattoos.

The point is that the guy was wrong for singling me out and using me to be rude or bash all people with tattoos. I have never gotten mad or had my feelings hurt because a person said they preferred providers without any ink as long as they are respectful about it. People with tattoos still have feelings.

There are still people who do like the ink and i am here to fulfill that fantasy if there were no guys in the hobby that liked it i wouldn't get ANY business at all and i would have been gone from here a long time ago.
Big Joe's Avatar
I think tattoos can be sexy on women... If placed in the right spot and of the right thing they can highlight physical attributes of women and it can look absolutely fantastic. However sometimes a woman will get an idiotic tattoo that can do just the opposite, but it won't kill the mood for me. I have yet to be with a "suicide girl" and would love to... It's just what iv been searching for.
The Dark Passenger's Avatar
Tattoos done by a talented artist are very sexy. There is something about a colorful, detailed illustration across a beautiful woman's body that will aways peak my interest and draw me in.

Ghetto branding (pimp logos, Old English fonts, and slang of an any sort) is not sexy. Right or wrong, this type of tattoo on a woman will only serve to bring about negative preconceived notions in my mind.
Beckata's Avatar
Talking about tats, does anyone know if Brazil is still working in the Dallas area. She had a lot of nice tattoos.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I think a few tattoos tastefully done, that are somewhat original look very nice on anybody.
I grew up in the time period as well where only ex-cons, lifers in the military or bikers had tattoos.
However, I have 2 nice custom ones that reference something in my life that I will never regret or be ashamed of. They are in locations that do not interfere with my professional life.

I think a good barometer is:
1 - Will you ever regret that part of your life?
2 - Will this limit me from advancing on to another place in life?

I think flowers, artistic designs and memorabilia would pass.
I don't think a tattoo of a pimp's name on your neck or chest fits into the above category. By the way, what's up with pictures of dragons and demons and skulls?
ya know...i personally dont have ink BUT i do find it attractive on others. i change my mind too much to commit to a tattoo, and would be afraid of hating it after getting it.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I don't care for them at all, but it's the norm in society today, and if a woman is beautiful, I don't worry about it as long as the tattoo isn't badly done.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I don't care for them at all, but it's the norm in society today, and if a woman is beautiful, I don't worry about it as long as the tattoo isn't badly done. Originally Posted by still-asleep
That's a really good way to put it. Take the sprite who's in the first two pics in my opening thread. When I met her she was 19 years-old and had one tat on her left shoulder blade of a yellow rose. But she has this freakin' obsession with Halloween and zombies so eventually at age 21 she got a full sleeve on her right arm of a brightly-colored jack-o-lantern, a skull, a black cat, all kinds of shit. (I shot the pics when the full sleeve was half done.)

Did I think the sleeve detracted from her natural beauty? Of course! But she was so excited and proud of it that I was willing to pay for it because it made her so happy. But I'll tell you, taking her places could be a hassle because if she wasn't a dude magnet already the sleeve just added to it. It was a way for guys her age to open a conversation with her to get her away from her old "dad" beside her. Haha.