You know who refers to refugee immigrants as hostile invaders?

Robert Bowers. That's right. Robert Bowers, the schizophrenic, anti semitic, immigrant hating, Orange Turd loving nut, who shot up the Tree of Life. That's the type of person who considers Immigrants to be hostile invaders. I strongly oppose that type of cowardice and I strongly oppose that type of lack of compassion, because this is the kind of thing that can happen. This is what all that angry rhetoric leads to. He didn't machine gun the immigrants, but he machine gunned those who were trying to help the immigrants.

In his final post on the far-right social media network, Bowers referred to refugees as hostile invaders.

On the morning of the attack, Bowers posted about HIAS, a Jewish agency that helps refugees resettle in the United States. Dor Hadash, one of the three congregations that shared the Tree of Life building, worked with HIAS.
“HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in,” Bowers posted.
Sources: Triblive and the Associated Press
Robert Bowers had swastikas and SS lightning bolts on his social media page and disparaged immigrants, Jews, and Muslims. This is the type of person who wants to machine gun immigrants. It's morally correct to oppose this type of anti immigrant, anti Jewish, and anti Muslim rhetoric.
We all know why certain people refer to immigrants as "invaders". They hilariously clutch their pearls when you call them out on it, but we all know why.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Leaving a poor country and sneaking into a a successful one to sponge of its good nature doesn’t make one a refugee.
Nobody's "sneaking in" either. Next.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Robert Bowers. That's right. Robert Bowers, the schizophrenic, anti semitic, immigrant hating, Orange Turd loving nut, who shot up the Tree of Life. That's the type of person who considers Immigrants to be hostile invaders. I strongly oppose that type of cowardice and I strongly oppose that type of lack of compassion, because this is the kind of thing that can happen. This is what all that angry rhetoric leads to. He didn't machine gun the immigrants, but he machine gunned those who were trying to help the immigrants.

Sources: Triblive and the Associated Press Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

once again you've painted with a broad brush

"His posts included criticism of US President Donald Trump for being a "globalist, not a nationalist"[78] and for supposedly being surrounded by and controlled by Jews"
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Nobody's "sneaking in" either. Next. Originally Posted by tommy156
You’ve been hanging out with Hunter too much.
Leaving a poor country and sneaking into a a successful one to sponge of its good nature doesn’t make one a refugee. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's your opinion, but it's irrelevant to the thread. A few people have advocated for machine gunning immigrants. Bowers actually machine gunned those who help immigrants. That's why I oppose that kind of hateful rhetoric that's popular with a few folks in here.
once again you've painted with a broad brush

"His posts included criticism of US President Donald Trump for being a "globalist, not a nationalist"[78] and for supposedly being surrounded by and controlled by Jews" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
OK. You can strike those four words from the record and the point remains the same. This is the type of scumbag that hates immigrants.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That's your opinion, but it's irrelevant to the thread. A few people have advocated for machine gunning immigrants. Bowers actually machine gunned those who help immigrants. That's why I oppose that kind of hateful rhetoric that's popular with a few folks in here. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
It’s not an opinion, it’s the law. Indigence doesn’t qualify a person for asylum in the US.
It’s not an opinion, it’s the law. Indigence doesn’t qualify a person for asylum in the US. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Ok. A few people have advocated for machine gunning immigrants. Bowers actually machine gunned those who help immigrants. That's why I oppose that kind of hateful rhetoric that's popular with a few folks in here.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ok. A few people have advocated for machine gunning immigrants. Bowers actually machine gunned those who help immigrants. That's why I oppose that kind of hateful rhetoric that's popular with a few folks in here. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

there is nothing "hateful" by opposing massive illegal immigration by people who have zero claim for asylum. the poor wretches of the world don't have a "right" to come to America.
there is nothing "hateful" by opposing massive illegal immigration by people who have zero claim for asylum. the poor wretches of the world don't have a "right" to come to America. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The way people talk about it absolutely hateful. Talking about arbitrarily machine gunning immigrants, making racist miss-characterizations like your hero did and some folks do on here, Etc. It's Robert Bowers' fantasy.
This means as much to me as which president is descendants of slave owners.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The way people talk about it absolutely hateful. Talking about arbitrarily machine gunning immigrants, making racist miss-characterizations like your hero did and some folks do on here, Etc. It's Robert Bowers' fantasy. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

what racist mischaracterizations? there is nothing hateful about opposing this mass illegal immigration and it is illegal. the immigration system isn't broken but liberals claim so because the statutes have quotas that liberals want removed so anyone can illegally cross the border and be granted asylum.

what's racist about the fact that a large minority of these illegals are criminals? that came here intentionally to work for the mexican cartels and US based gangs? is this the kind of person you think should be allowed in the US?

your racism angle is based on the premise that these people are overwhelmingly mexican/hispanic. would you think it's racist to oppose millions of mainly whites from Canada illegally flooding over the border?