
gfejunkie's Avatar
Some of my favorites...

Goodbye Obama executive orders and regulations...

Hello Keystone XL pipeline.
Hello clean coal.
Hello affordable energy.

And especially...

Goodbye Obamacare!!!

I'm sure you have your favorites. Let's hear'em. Let's revel in'em!!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Good bye Yssup Rider
No more muz-slime Brotherhood in the highest levels of government. Good bye D.A.C.A. and any other rewards for illegals. No more " out reach " to the Muz-slimes through NASA. No more of selling the Lincoln bedroom like it's a hotel. No more rogue IRS and dysfunctional In justice Department. No more chance for Slick Willy to terrorize interns in the White House on the public's dime ! No more removal of item's from the White House at the end of a Clinton term of items that don't belong to them. No more bodies showing up in Fort Marcie Park. No more Surgeon Generals advocating jerking off ( much to assup, LUBE and EKIM's chagrin ) ! No more Ruby Ridges or Waco's . No more " I did NOT " moments from the Oval Office !
And especially...

Goodbye Obamacare!!! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Hear, hear!!

As has been discussed many times in this forum, there are far better and more efficient ways to provide health care services to our less affluent citizens. Obamacare is a clusterfuck of the first rank.

And since you mentioned Obamacare ...

I'm sure you have your favorites. Let's hear'em. Let's revel in'em!!! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I am very much looking forward to saying goodbye and good riddance to the 3.8% health care surtax on capital gains and dividends. It's nothing more than another Gruber-style piece of subterfuge designed to cover up the fiscal consequences of ill-conceived, poorly designed legislation.
bambino's Avatar
Goodbye to the 2% medical device sales tax. I sell medical devices. It was a punitive tax. It was killing innovation and jobs.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Goodbye Al Sharpton
BigLouie's Avatar
ENERGY INDEPENDENCE Originally Posted by canuckeight
Has been for all practical purposes for some time
BigLouie's Avatar
Some of my favorites...

Hello Keystone XL pipeline.
Hello clean coal.

I'm sure you have your favorites. Let's hear'em. Let's revel in'em!!! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Keystone is already obsolete. The people behind the project already admitted it. At $100 a barrel sure, at $25 no one wants it. Other better pipelines have come on line and rail traffic has picked up. You don't hear much anymore because it is a dead issue.

Clean coal? The US is producing as much coal as it did in 1940 what has changed is that it only takes 10% of the work force as before. Industry is going with natural gas. Cleaner and cheaper. Try forcing Industries to go with more expensive options and let me know how that goes
gfejunkie's Avatar
Goodbye to giving a shit about what any of our resident idiot liberals have to say.

They just don't matter anymore.
BigLouie's Avatar
So you still love the Keystone. Here are the cold hard facts.

Crude from Canada's booming tar sands was getting trapped in the Midwest, preventing it from getting to the Gulf where it could be exported at market prices. Hence the start of the whole Keystone thing. However

In January 2014, engineers switched on the Seaway Pipeline, which connects the major crude delivery hub in Cushing, Okla., with Gulf refineries. And rail now transports 550,000 barrels of Canadian crude, when five years ago barely 1,000 barrels were processed.

This is why everyone is saying that there is no real need to do any more on Keystone. The situation changed.
BigLouie's Avatar
Goodbye Obamacare!!!
Trump and the Republicans want to do away with the ACA but what everyone does not seem to notice is that the Republicans in Congress have NO intention of replacing it with anything. You can forget Trump saying he will replace it with something better. Not only that but to make their budget work somewhat they are going to cut spending on medicare and all health plans in general and then protect the health care industry from any fall out. So if anyone on here has Obamacare aka ACA you can kiss it goodbye and any hope of getting health insurance for that matter.
Goodbye to the 2% medical device sales tax. I sell medical devices. It was a punitive tax. It was killing innovation and jobs. Originally Posted by bambino
Wish I would have known that you sell " medical devices " . I would have taken up a collection for a " device " that would remove a liberal's head from their ass and bought one for assup, EKIM and LUBE !!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Goodbye to The Rule of Law
Goodbye to consumer protection.
Hello, Fascism.