Petraeus: Resignation had nothing to do with Libya

markroxny's Avatar
They won't accept it. since the election loss, Benghazi is all they've got. After the investigation shows that there was no big conspiracy or coverup, they will be forced to move on, just like they had to swallow fast and furious.

Before you start your circle jerk [MarktheManHumper has a virus so don't let him shoot you in the eye], let me just say, your argument only makes sense if you ignore some awfully large facts.....

BTW: Fast and Furious is still an ongoing matter....don't file that away just yet! LOL! See HA's below!

OK, I'm finished with what I have to say, commence with your liberal gay person to post admits to being the BIG GAY of the board!...Who will it be?!
I B Hankering's Avatar
It remains, Odumbo allowed that Valerie Jarrett had more security assigned to her while on vacation in the U.S. than Odumbo gave to Ambassador Stevens in Libya.


Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have a Marine detail in Benghazi, Libya. But White House Senior Advisor and Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett has a full Secret Service detail on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, according to Democratic pollster Pat Caddell.
That’s the pathetic foreign policy of the Obama administration, says Caddell today in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News. “Jarrett seems to have a 24 hour, around the clock detail, with five or six agents full time,” Caddell explains. “The media has been completely uninterested. We don’t provide security for our ambassador in Libya, but she needs a full Secret Service security detail. And nobody thinks there’s anything wrong with this. And nobody in the press will ask. What kind of slavish stoogery are they perpetrating here?
“This country has reached the point of absurdity. There are people dead because we don’t have security details for them. But she’s privileged to have a full Secret Service detail on vacation?”

It remains, it was the Dimocrats who established amount to be budgeted for the State Department, and the Dimocrats voted with the Republicans.


"Eric Nordstrom, the regional security officer in Libya, told the committee that Deputy Assistant Secretary Charlene Lamb wanted to keep the number of U.S. security personnel in Benghazi "artificially low." Nordstrom said she generally believed that extra security was unnecessary because there was a residential safe haven to fall back on in an emergency, according to the summary.

She thought the "best course of action was to assign three agents" to the Benghazi post, the summary quoted Nordstrom as saying."


In testimony Wednesday [10 October 2012] before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, was questioned:

“It has been suggested that budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Miss Lamb,” said Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.). “You made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which lead you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Lamb responded, “No, sir.”
There's two things that everyone can expect during the next four years. People in Government being brought up on criminal charges and war.
You!!! Originally Posted by BIG GAY

We have a winner! ekim008 is the BIG GAY of the board......he wanted the title so badly and I was having a difficult time finding an insulting name for him....since he is my personal troll, and I knew he was online, I figured it would be him...NOW, I have a name for him! Thank you ekim008 for being such a predictable troll.....I'll bet you have a blue collar job!
markroxny's Avatar
Can't have it both ways Marshall.

It proves no such thing, Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Can't have it both ways ChoomCzar. Originally Posted by markroxcoxinny

If you can have sex both ways, I can have my message board fun both ways.....
We have a winner! ekim008 is the BIG GAY of the board......he wanted the title so badly and I was having a difficult time finding an insulting name for him....since he is my personal troll, and I knew he was online, I figured it would be him...NOW, I have a name for him! Thank you ekim008 for being such a predictable troll.....I'll bet you have a blue collar job! Originally Posted by ChoomCzar

No one can suck a dick like choomy when he is humming....You are my slave now choomey you were easy...