Question on tips and gifts

C_Manners's Avatar
If you are going to give a lady a tip, how do you do it? Do you just hand it to her? Do you try to leave it discreetly on a table, maybe next to your donation envelope? Ladies please feel free to chime in here.

I have a girl that I have seen a couple of times already and will be again in a couple weeks. I told her that I wanted to bring her a gift and asked her what she likes. She asked me to bring her flowers. My only concern is that flowers aren't terribly discreet. She has an incall apartment downtown and I'm a little leery of walking up to this place and down the hall with a bouquet of flowers. Do you think she would have asked for flowers if this is any kind of legitimate concern? Am I being paranoid here? Should I put them in a bag or something?
There are many ways you can do the flower thing. One of which is if you know the incall in advance have the flowers sent to her BEFORE or AFTER you arrive with a nice little note so she knows they are from you. You can also have the flower store box up the flowers if you wish to hand them to her. You will still be walking down the hall with a box but far less conspicuous.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint can handle tips.
I love piramider's tales of the taint.

As for me, I carry a second small envelope in another pocket. I excuse myself to the bathroom prior to leaving and decide how much to leave behind in the envelope.

I leave it next to my first envelope and let her know a second envelope is waiting. Then I pinch her on the taint
  • Blaze
  • 03-15-2014, 10:10 AM
I don't see an issue with you hand delivering flowers upon your arrival. Only problem with having them delivered is that they could potentially deliver them at the wrong time. What is they had vehicle trouble or came to early and she had someone else there?

Personally I would wish for you to bring them. I can honestly say when guys have questioned me about deliveries, it took something away from the moment.
Depends on if it's in- or outcall, and when I left the donation. For incalls I usually leave the donation where she wants it at the beginning. I will hand her the tip at the end if she's picking up the donation. If she hasn't touched the donation I put the tip on top of the donation. If I'm leaving the donation at the end I just slip the tip in with it (either hand it to her or lay where she wants).

For outcalls I have the donation laying on the desk or dresser in the hotel room where she can see it when she walks in. After the session I slip the tip in when I hand her the donation.

I keep a Jackson and Harrison in separate pockets, so if I decide to tip I can quickly reach for the appropriate bill without flashing a wad of cash.
I just put it in the envelope beforehand with the rest of the donation.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Leaving a tip next to the donation envelope is fine, and what most of my gentlemen friends have done, although a few added it to the envelope and let me know on the way out. A couple of mischievous men will stuff it down my cleavage if I happen to be wearing something at the time.

I love getting flowers, and I also have an apartment. Why would you be any more conspicuous carrying a bouquet there than anyone else? You might be taking them to your lover, but just as likely bringing posies to your mother, sister, sick friend. If this is an area you don't frequent except to visit the lady, who would know you if they even noticed?
Prime Time's Avatar
She has an incall apartment downtown and I'm a little leery of walking up to this place and down the hall with a bouquet of flowers. Am I being paranoid here? Originally Posted by C_Manners
Yes, you're being paranoid. I'd be leery of someone walking into a bank wearing a ski mask and holding a machine gun, not a random guy holding flowers in the hallway.
RedLeg505's Avatar
She has an incall apartment downtown and I'm a little leery of walking up to this place and down the hall with a bouquet of flowers. Do you think she would have asked for flowers if this is any kind of legitimate concern? Am I being paranoid here? Should I put them in a bag or something? Originally Posted by C_Manners
I had an appointment with a provider that was way into working out and fitness so when I mentioned bringing a little treat, she said she loved "Edible Arrangements" bouquets made out of fresh fruit, so that's what I brought. Found no issues with carrying a fruit bouquet down the hotel halls. Not sure why flower bouquets would be any more conspicuous.
I just put it in the envelope beforehand with the rest of the donation. Originally Posted by ridgecrest
Good idea.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
If you are going to give a lady a tip, how do you do it? Do you just hand it to her? Do you try to leave it discreetly on a table, maybe next to your donation envelope?... Originally Posted by C_Manners
I know you said tip, but I always look at a ladies website and see what gifts she likes. I know we could all use a little extra $$ a time or two, but I think a more sentimental gift is flowers, perfume, certain CD, candles etc, or anything else she posts that she likes from her site.
NTFunGuy's Avatar
It all depends on the individual situation and/or provider. If I am meeting with someone and I feel that they went out of their way or made any concessions with scheduling for me, I will just add it into the envelope with the originally agreed upon donation. If I feel that after an encounter a tip was justified, I will just place it in view upon leaving. There have also been a couple of occasions where it was a provider that I really wanted to see, but our schedules didn't quit coincide and they made special arrangements to fit me in. These are usually providers that I have had good communications with through email, text, or even on the phone. I will usually bring them a gift in a discreet bag or something.
Tip for the day .... No flowers BBB. Have you ever seen flowers listed on the gift page of a providers website? I never have but maybe i'm not in the know ....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-18-2014, 02:52 PM
I almost always bring a gift. While I look a a lady’s “gift” page, I also pay attention to other clues. What is in her photos? What does she say about herself in posts? If it is someone I have seen before, what did she like to talk about when we were together? Etc. Usually from those things I can find something a bit out of the ordinary that gets a smile when she opens it.
--If her favorite animal is “My cocker spaniel, Max”, then some gourmet dog treats
--A cook book for a lady I know enjoys cooking; or a gift card to Williams-Somoma
--A book of Shel Silverstein poetry for a lady who likes to read to her kids

I have never gone wrong with flowers. And they fit nicely into a gym bag if you for some reason don’t want to be seen with them. (I have never had a box of chocolates rejected either).

Most unusual gifts I have brought at times were probably a pair of petrified book ends, a pink St Louis Rams jersey, and a box of jell-o. All had stories behind them. The nice side benefit to a gift like that is when I ask for a reference and I say “I’m the guy who brought the pink Rams t-shirt”, she tends to remember me very quickly.