Outrageous New Young Hotties

Now don't misunderstand,but when im ready to make the call and spend some time with a lady at $$.5 or $$$ don't to much make a shit to me i just do it. Now i have spent $$ or less (all 1 hour rates) on a lot of very special Ladies on this board,and will see them again. So i just don't understand how almost all the new very young girl's in the WW come in here asking $$.25,$$.50 and more and we for the most part don't know anything about them. So how many of us guys see the Outrageous New Young Hotties. I did one time and that was the last.

Side note: If a i hour incall is $$ and outcall is $$.5 an hour
Should the outcall be $$.5 1st hour and $$ per each hour afterwards (and i know some do) but i see all the time (new girls) ad's say + 50 per hour outcall.

No need to kick the shit out of me or get all in my ass,but if you wish to do so im cool with that also.....Fire Away.
They can charge whatever they want. Hell, charge $500 an hour! Whether they get any business from it is another story, and I am willing to bet they have to drop their rates or run some kind of special in the near future. Lots of specials, week after week.

In any other profession, you start off at one level of income. As you progress and do well at your job, you get raises and bonuses (or not) according to your performance reviews. Then again, in this profession we also drop our rates, bonuses go out the window, and we take pay cuts in order to keep our employers happy, despite having stellar performance reviews. Okay, so maybe that was not such a good example...
  • PT4ME
  • 09-30-2010, 01:45 PM
GHEEZ, TALK about beating a dead horse, lol, the ladies can charge what they would like, and "we" can choose whether or not to see them. How many times does that need to be stated.... yes I know all about the "freedom of speech" shit, but can't we find something NEW to "speak about"???

..........I think I need to "get some".....

Have a great day all!!!

CenterLock's Avatar
Something "NEW"? Then shall I say that I compared timestamps on posts to note that The Dannie (not just "any" Dannie mind you) slipped and utilized the first person pronoun in her post here. Tsk tsk :-)

As for the topic at hand, I see it as more of a "get money quick" plan vs a business plan. If it works for them more power to em. Price is about the last thing I look at.
badlamb24's Avatar
So i just don't understand how almost all the new very young girl's in the WW come in here asking $$.25,$$.50 and more and we for the most part don't know anything about them. Originally Posted by piquant2009
Good topic..but lets think from a young girl perspective, She is new to this business world, also meeting a stranger..being a new gal, she has more to lose ( being raped, mugged or anything severe) now i think its fair from perspective in which she is taking all risk..

Now established client perspective(like you): Same risk...but now you are aware of how things work..you have upper hand being man, looking to hit new pussy n give her some nuggets, break her hobby virginity, get credit on board and review first. At the same time, am not ignoring OUR RISK too --> switch and bait, being robbed, get ass kicked by her pimp or BF etc.

At the end, you have need and money and she got medicine to stop your severe blood flow in little head after reading her WW post.

If an hour incall is $$ and outcall is $$.5 an hour
Should the outcall be $$.5 1st hour and $$ per each hour afterwards (and i know some do) but i see all the time (new girls) ad's say + 50 per hour outcall. Originally Posted by piquant2009
From new gal perspective: You might be harmless in first hour but running with knife second hour...All hours are risky at Outcall. At Incall, she have pimp, Bf or room partner to come for help if anything goes bad.

Now established and mature client perspective(like you): Well, I can understand being charged extra for outcall, but once chemistry is established and we got to know each other better like a friend, Damn you better drop your rate...Give me regular membership card like Kroger and Tom Thumb, else am not shopping at your place.

I know of many reputable providers staying long in biz still prefers booking hotel for every incall appt., now in that case if client and provider can workout after enough appts, we can save her money on hotel and get good discount on rate by offering outcall.

travelling_man's Avatar
Now don't misunderstand,but when im ready to make the call and spend some time with a lady at $$.5 or $$$ don't to much make a shit to me i just do it. Now i have spent $$ or less (all 1 hour rates) on a lot of very special Ladies on this board,and will see them again. So i just don't understand how almost all the new very young girl's in the WW come in here asking $$.25,$$.50 and more and we for the most part don't know anything about them. So how many of us guys see the Outrageous New Young Hotties. I did one time and that was the last.

Side note: If a i hour incall is $$ and outcall is $$.5 an hour
Should the outcall be $$.5 1st hour and $$ per each hour afterwards (and i know some do) but i see all the time (new girls) ad's say + 50 per hour outcall.

No need to kick the shit out of me or get all in my ass,but if you wish to do so im cool with that also.....Fire Away. Originally Posted by piquant2009
They have to charge more to factor in the cut her pimp is taking out (if he is giving her any money at all).
It's a cuntspiracy if you ask me. J/K they can charge what they want, they find out what their price range is after flavor of the month wears off and if they aren't getting anymore calls. This discussion has been going on since I joined these boards five years ago. During a good economy (thanks W) guys complain about prices, during a bad economy (miss W yet?) guys complain about prices. Honestly, if you can't find something that pleases you at your price in this metroplex of ours try reading posts in some of the other cities.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Good topic..but lets think from a young girl perspective, She is new to this business world, also meeting a stranger..being a new gal, she has more to lose ( being raped, mugged or anything severe) now i think its fair from perspective in which she is taking all risk.. Originally Posted by badlamb24
They also have to charge more in case they get a "condom cutter" as a client before they learn how to screen properly so they can afford to go get tested to see if they got anything from his "accidental" barebacking.......
tramp76137's Avatar
I will never understand why a rate charged by any lady is a topic of discussion. I think it is demeaning. If I want to see a lady I will pay their rate without question. For me there are things more important than rate.
Understand, I am not rich or have an unlimited hobby budget. I see those that I find of interest things like, personality, friendliness, humor and attitude are far more important. I also do not read reviews...I depend more on their on-line posts and comments.

For what it is worth.....
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I will never understand why a rate charged by any lady is a topic of discussion. I think it is demeaning. If I want to see a lady I will pay their rate without question. For me there are things more important than rate.
Understand, I am not rich or have an unlimited hobby budget. I see those that I find of interest things like, personality, friendliness, humor and attitude are far more important. I also do not read reviews...I depend more on their on-line posts and comments.

For what it is worth..... Originally Posted by tramp76137
kudos to you hun
Iaintliein's Avatar
Some hunt for trophies, some just to survive. Some wouldn't pay more than X, some would never see a lady who didn't charge 3X.

All fame is fleeting, the real skill is keeping the title "flavor of the month" for longer than a month. At some point balance between inflation of living expenses and deflation of "wow" factor will be reached.

It's the ladies' bodies, the ladies' rules, and the ladies' business. . . and we men will never, ever, understand. . . so let's just appreciate what we can, while we can, however we can.

Condom cutter is a new one to me...lol

I will never understand why a rate charged by any lady is a topic of discussion. I think it is demeaning. If I want to see a lady I will pay their rate without question. For me there are things more important than rate.
Understand, I am not rich or have an unlimited hobby budget. I see those that I find of interest things like, personality, friendliness, humor and attitude are far more important. I also do not read reviews...I depend more on their on-line posts and comments.

For what it is worth..... Originally Posted by tramp76137
dodger's Avatar
Any provider can charge whatever they want ... and I get to book whoever I want. I don't think that was the OP point. Unless I got it wrong ... again, I think the point was more in line with, "You have a young lady, new to the hobby, without the benefit of a reputation for service and reliability. What makes Norma Newperson think her rate should be he same as Sadie Steadie, who has a history of excellent reviews and a reputation for reliability and drama free visits? Saying "I think a provider should charge whatever she wants" ... "Good for you, baby" misses my understanding of the point.

I think that's fair to consider and discuss this. I think many new, (especially) young providers may think, "She's charging X ... and I'm younger and hotter ... I should charge X, too. Maybe X+! After all ... it's the same product." If that's it .. fine. But I think it's a fair discussion ... how did you arrive at that figure? That's not really the same thing as saying, "who do they think they are to charge X or X+!"

I tend to look at a provider's 'history' and reviews. The providers who have been around a bit ... and it doesn't have to be an age thing .. tend to know how to TCB. They are organized, reliable, and they appreciate the intangibles. Alana Nicole is a good example of a young woman that I would consider a mature provider.

Running off to the WW to see the latest hottie ... may tend to incur a higher flake quotient ... sometimes you get bit by the flake quotient. So, I'm of a mind that a provider coming into the hobby should expect to develop a reputation which justifies the fee. Doesn't have to be that way, just sayin'.

I agree ... a provider (or lawyer or shrink or someone selling a home) can charge whatever they want. And the power will move to the consumer. No argument ... but not really the point. The point is, to me, is how did we arrive at this price for your time. What's the basis .. the justification .. the rationale for the fee? And it's certainly fair to say, "none of your business" .. or .. "who cares".. cuz I thinking ... maybe I don't. I mean .. I think it's odd to see those prices, too. I just don't really care. I just don't have enough to do with my time.

Just sayin'
I could care less what a Vet asks for service,if i like it i buy it (or rent it)
A NFL Rookie don't get 100 mill in his 1st year.

If I want to see a lady I will pay their rate without question. For me there are things more important than rate.

For what it is worth..... Originally Posted by tramp76137
And i will also (Veterans)

They have to charge more to factor in the cut her pimp is taking out (if he is giving her any money at all). Originally Posted by travelling_man
This would be the answer that best suits my question...Thanks TM

They also have to charge more in case they get a "condom cutter" as a client before they learn how to screen properly so they can afford to go get tested to see if they got anything from his "accidental" barebacking....... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
This is a good one also