
if you cannot make an appointment, simply pick up
the phone-make a call, send a text--send an email,
a carrier pigeon, shout out the window--SOMETHING,
anything....saying you cannot make it, you changed
your mind-WHATEVER.....not asking anymore than
you would expect....NUFF said!

Jodie of Dallas
Hopefully he has a very good reason. Only an idiot would leave you waiting!
Torito's Avatar
if you cannot make an appointment, simply pick up
the phone-make a call, send a text--send an email,
a carrier pigeon, shout out the window--SOMETHING,
anything....saying you cannot make it, you changed
your mind-WHATEVER.....not asking anymore than
you would expect....NUFF said!

Jodie of Dallas Originally Posted by JodieofDallas

I absolutely agree. And it doesn't matter whether it is a client or a provider. Just about everyone has had this experience.

  • anita
  • 10-01-2010, 11:30 PM
It is just polite to let someone know if there is a need to cancel for whatever reason. But things happen,you can scratch him off your list or give him another chance.
lilsmurf's Avatar
I have been guilty of changing appt times, too much,
but that door swings both ways, ive got bumped a few times.
Jodie just pm me, and I will be plan B
yes, I can totally understand that things do happen....but c'mon "I fell asleep on the couch , sorry?" little too's all good. We should all be mindful of each others
time..that is all.

Thank you Bubba! ok lilsmurf plan b!

Hercules's Avatar
Hey! It's my favorite rubber-ducky!

Jodie...things change from the good old days where if one party screws up an appointment they make some effort to make amends. Now it's just "Tuff titties you lose". Remember Karma favors the honest.
Sueak squeak!

You are right about the good old days!

Jodie of Dallas
CenterLock's Avatar
Had an appointment this morning running on two hours sleep after a week of "you can't make this stuff up" happening. Noticed I was going to have to hurry to make it on time - had my phone out ready to call of I wasn't going to be there ON TIME. I can't even imagine NCNS. I mean shit happens that's out of our control and sometimes notification isn't possible, but (yeah I'm stuck in the old days) let the other party know as soon as possible.
If you go through P411 you can bring up NCNS (on both sides) with Gina.
Randall Creed's Avatar
It may be hard to believe, but people underestimate the importance of sleep, or lack thereof. If you go too long without enough sleep, the body will at some point say, "Fuck this. I'm crashing out." It doesn't care what you have planned, or where you may be (hopefully not behind a wheel at the time), or what you've taken to counter it. You give it one moment to take affect (oh, I'm going to sit down for just a second) and the body could just go into self preservation mode.

I know him missing an appt for that sounds lame, but there could be some truthfulness to it.