Are we watching herstory repeat itself?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Back in 2007 Hillary Clinton made if very known that she was running for president though she had not "officially" announced. She was making her famous "listening tour" to Iowa and New Hampshire. She had written the obligitory book and she was everywhere on TV thanks to a submissive press corps. Then something happened....Barack Obama showed up for the party.

Go back and remember the comments. She needed an opponent to get her ready. He was just going to be practice for Hillary. Hillary didn't want to make it look too easy to get the nomination. Obama was just a side show for the press to report on. Then Obama won in Iowa and Hillary never came up for air again.

Today, I'm hearing the same exact shit being said about Bernie Sanders and yet, he is still rising in the polls, still attracting crowds, and still growing stronger on the ground. Are we looking at another Hillary debacle?
If it was anybody but Bernie. But come on, he has zero chance of dethroning her.

Vice President a Biden is the key here. He sees some blood in the water, and he has got to be thoroughly pissed because, he, as a two term sitting Vice President, is being cast aside with the rest of the garbage that President Obama is tossing out in Janiary 2016.

Look for Biden to get in.
Back in 2007 Hillary Clinton made if very known that she was running for president though she had not "officially" announced. She was making her famous "listening tour" to Iowa and New Hampshire. She had written the obligitory book and she was everywhere on TV thanks to a submissive press corps. Then something happened....Barack Obama showed up for the party.

Go back and remember the comments. She needed an opponent to get her ready. He was just going to be practice for Hillary. Hillary didn't want to make it look too easy to get the nomination. Obama was just a side show for the press to report on. Then Obama won in Iowa and Hillary never came up for air again.

Today, I'm hearing the same exact shit being said about Bernie Sanders and yet, he is still rising in the polls, still attracting crowds, and still growing stronger on the ground. Are we looking at another Hillary debacle? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I sure hope she gets her lying liberal waddling ass kicked again ! Can you imagine the rage and screams from the libs on this site and every where else ? Wonder of woomby will run to the mods for help when she gets her lying ass shown to the door ?
If it was anybody but Bernie. But come on, he has zero chance of dethroning her.

Vice President a Biden is the key here. He sees some blood in the water, and he has got to be thoroughly pissed because, he, as a two term sitting Vice President, is being cast aside with the rest of the garbage that President Obama is tossing out in Janiary 2016.

Look for Biden to get in. Originally Posted by Jackie S
As much as I like Sanders and would definitely prefer him over Clinton, I just don't think he's got a chance. I wish you were right, actually, but I wouldn't bet on it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Then lets see some attacks on Clinton's character by the lefties in here. That is your only way to save Bernie.
Keep your fingers crossed judy.
Then lets see some attacks on Clinton's character by the lefties in here. That is your only way to save Bernie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why? Let the republicans eat each other live.
Run, Joe, run!
If it was anybody but Bernie. But come on, he has zero chance of dethroning her.

Vice President a Biden is the key here. He sees some blood in the water, and he has got to be thoroughly pissed because, he, as a two term sitting Vice President, is being cast aside with the rest of the garbage that President Obama is tossing out in Janiary 2016.

Look for Biden to get in. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I am mystified as to why you would think that Joe Biden has a better chance than Bernie Sanders?
I am mystified as to why you would think that Joe Biden has a better chance than Bernie Sanders? Originally Posted by timpage
This is definitely mystifying. Both have the same chance as a wet fart. The oligarchs and plutocrats have chosen Hillary.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That doesn't speak too well of your hallowed democratic party.
I am mystified as to why you would think that Joe Biden has a better chance than Bernie Sanders? Originally Posted by timpage
Here is what I think will happen. President Obama does not want to hand over the care taking of his unfinished legacy to The Clintons, who I think he hates. He is going to wait until the Primaries, allowing Hillary to further implode, and then he will throw his support to Joe Biden, who he does like, and trusts to carry on with his policies. Sort of a de facto 3d term.

Obama will let Biden announce, and stay above thr fray until it's Primary Vote time, then make his move.

This is just my opinion. But I think it is grounded in the reality of Democrat Party Politics.
Here is what I think will happen. President Obama does not want to hand over the care taking of his unfinished legacy to The Clintons, who I think he hates. He is going to wait until the Primaries, allowing Hillary to further implode, and then he will throw his support to Joe Biden, who he does like, and trusts to carry on with his policies. Sort of a de facto 3d term.

Obama will let Biden announce, and stay above thr fray until it's Primary Vote time, then make his move.

This is just my opinion. But I think it is grounded in the reality of Democrat Party Politics. Originally Posted by Jackie S

That sounds far-fetched.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Considering Hillary, any move that she continues, she will take credit for thus leaving Obama nothing. I can see Obama wanting to get all the credit but picking someone else to assume his throne. So who to pick? Biden is the heir apparent to the Obama reign. Anything that he gets right (even a stopped clock is right twice a day) would go to Obama. Obama can't trust Sanders because Sanders is an honest socialist and he has said that Obama is a joke. Its not going to be Webb, so it has to be Warren or Biden. Obama can campaign for Biden as any president should for his VP. I think Jackie has a point. Hillary has to dip below about 45% approval first.
Are we looking at another Hillary debacle? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
perhaps but for sure we are looking at some damn ugly feet

we need to start cutting bill clinton some slack