who's up for Glory Hole???

OK, so if I were to hold a glory hole tomorrow Wednesday November 4 in evening time who would be able to make it?
I had issues with WiFi over weekend so did not get out the invites.
So if you KNOW you would be able to make it PLEASE PM me.
If you have not been verified yet send 3 reference with contact info and how they remember you. If you have already sent me reference no need to send again.
Hope to pull this off.

I will attach a list of possible ladies who will be behind the curtains if enough are going to be able to attend.
Chung Tran's Avatar
not me.. I hope your idea becomes a success, it sounds interesting, but..

(1) I can't make it tomorrow night
(2) too much hassle getting references together
(3) I kind of like knowing what lady is blowing me.. and knowing that it is, in fact, a lady

I'll recommend Jerry Jones in my place.. he's already on record as a Glory Hole Fan, and the timing is probably good, I'm sure he needs relief after Sunday's game..
pmdelites's Avatar
"Hope to pull this off."

didnt you mean ...
"Hope to suck some off."

pyramider's Avatar
She would do better if she contacted Jerry Jones directly.